First Week in Artic :D

How do folks,

Only having my license since end of September I have finally managed to get my hands on driving and Artic at my current place of employment. I intend to do a diary of it if people are interested enough to read my ramblings. The type of work I am doing is delivering plasterboard/cement power/metal to building sites and or individual houses.

The Vehicle : Daf CF(I think) 14 reg.
The Run : Skem, Wigan, Skem (yup)
Start : 0630
Finish : 16:30
Breaks: 1 hr

Day one: 10th Nov 2014

So I knew I was going to be driving the Artic on friday afternoon so had time to panic and not sleep over the weekend. Turned up to work this morning dead on my feet so quick coffee down the throat and pick up my run notes and get ready to rock ‘n’ roll.

pull curtains back ready to be loaded only to be told it isn’t ready yet. BOOOO, so i run my daily checks and check the moffett. Wagon has 1/4 tank, first drop is in Skelmersdale so I know I can drop into BP on the way to drop.

Finally get away at 8:30. Up to Petrol station and then onto first drop at 09:30. Whole plot (down passenger side of trailer) so I dust that off for 11:00.

Get to Wigan, cannot for the life of me find any yellow sign post that match up to the drop I am doing so I hope the postcode I have been given takes me to the place via prat-nav. No it does not. So I end up having to drive all the way round through Up-Holland(i think) and come back into wigan. Give the number of the run sheet and ring. Gives me a new address. Still wrong :open_mouth: Managed to reverse the wagon up a side street and turn around. See a yellow sign post (hallelujah!) follow follow follow…dead end and a nice gentleman walking his dog decides to tell me that the work here has finished the entrance now is via the industrial estate.

Head to the industrial estate get to the entrance of the its now 12:15. Pull over, speak to the forkie on site who informs me the lads have gone home for the day!! , i double check my papers to make sure its not timed and its not , just says “drop 2”

12:20 I throw my self on break whilst the forkie kindly unloads us. boom boom. back on the road for 13:20 head back to Skem. Get to a house delivery , narrow as sin by the Vauxhall place next to the “Conny” :laughing: for about 13:45. ■■■■■■ around there till 14:30. As the guy wasn’t in so I had to check with my office if I could unload his ONE PALLET into his CCTV protected drive way. They say yes. I drop it. Head back to HQ with intention of picking up my 2nd run to Chester only to be told its gone. Ah well.

Back the yard for 15:15. Told my run for tomorrow isn’t ready so i will be late out again. So I get my straps and organise them so I can strap down quickly in morning.

Quick chat with the lads, get my run for tomorrow. Looks like a good run. off home to relax and fingers crossed for a good nights sleep.

Over the day I found I settled into driving the artic well. Infact I think i drove it better than the rigids (still a lot of the week to go though) But over all i’m happy. with out the ■■■■ up in wigan today I would have been on time but I think I need to hurry up a bit more when using the Moffett but my boss is happy enough to realise that will all come with experience.

Will try and get a photo of the wagon up for the diary.

Day 2
The Run :Ellesmere Port, Shotton, Mostyn, Ruabon, Shropshire (deliveries) and one Collection in Deeside.
Start : 0630
Finish : 17:30ish
Breaks: 45 mins

So the day started off right grand to find out non of my drops had been picked, guys in the warehouse have been run up the wall the past few weeks and its starting to show.

So I wait and finally get out the yard for 08:30. Get through the tunnel and BING!!! Engine Malfunction comes up on the computer screen. ring it in to the boss. I say I will run it to Ellesmere Port and see how it fairs. Get to first drop and can smell burning…only to realise my nose is to close to the exhaust :unamused: :laughing: Do the drop turn the wagon back on and its cleared…well on I go.

Mostyn was an interesting drop. It is being turned into a Wind Turbine maintenance place. Got to the entrance bang on 11:00 so turned my engine off to do the two mins silence. Ask the Security Guard for two mins. He nods and walks away. 30 Seconds later his mate opens my door “Y’ALRIGHT DRIVE!!” FFS!!

Take my 45 on site after dropping 8 packs of tiles.

35 miles to Ruabon , the places some of these Travis Perkins sites are placed are absolutely ridiculous but I got through. Shropshire drop was the same.

Back to Deeside to collection some Insulation roles of Knauf. Usually I have to ring my office to get a collection number as they forget to put it on the collection sheet. So I ring my office about 5 miles out to get it, told they will call me back :grimacing:
I get to site, everything is hunky dory loaded, turn ‘n’ burn. As i’m driving out the yard phone rings “got your collection number” haha “too late fella, i’ve got the goods and out the gate”

Get back to the yard only to find an artic in the yard getting unloaded and one out side waiting to get loaded. Ah well…bit of over time wait for them to go, park in the yard. As yard lad if any of the runs are done , his words “no chance mate, sorry”

Looks like it will be a late start again tomorrow but im only in liverpool in morning so its not to bad.

All of my drops went without an issue today, it was more of an issue of distance which was killing time. Found I have an arm rest for what should be my gear arm, well it still is but it just twists a knob to D or R :stuck_out_tongue:

Local Drops around Liverpool city centre (5 in total, 4 managed)

start: 06:30
Finish 17:20

Same old story this morning, not loaded to head out as , again, the forkies are being pushed to the limit. We had people lining up outside to get into the shop at 7am!! so the lads where trying to do loads and customer service at the same time. Has a knock on effect. Out the yard at 8:30am

Any who, get my run. 2 Drops in Liverpool. Cunard Building then off to Halton Lane (?) over t’road. easy peasy first drop no issues. Got to 2nd drop and encounted the most ■■■■ health and safety guy on the planet ever! Everyone on site hated him. After 2 mins I seriously disliked him. Wanted to know when my Moffett was last checked, If I had my moffett license with me. Did my boots and mid soul protection, was my “Hard Hat” and Hard Hat (we have peak caps which have protection in them) in the end , I told him I have 2 pallets on for the plasterers on site the forkie can do it. The Forkie was sound and whipped them off.

Back to base round corner , call in to get some Diesel - defo put me off having my own wagon the price- into yard. Back to yard for 11:00.

Get 2nd run. Going back to dreaded 2nd drop on my first run. Still not picked :cry: Decide to take my break so I open up the curtains and let the lads know to just throw the stuff on and I will strap it down after my break.

11:30 - 12:16 - Break over. Strap loaded down and i’m back at the drop by 12:30. This time taking with me my moffett yearly check thingy. Meet up with Mr Health and Safety. Run through the process of him photocopying my cert and check to “add to his folder”. Spend 90 mins getting the stuff off. Proper tight as a scotsmans wallet this drop. Even had the site manager come and speak to me ask me how I found it. Told him to close the road in future :wink:

Back to yard for 14:15. Spend another hour 45 waiting for next load. leave yard for run 3 at 16:00. Get to 4th drop of the day. Manage to get it off in an hour (■■■■■■■ of a drop) ring the 5th drop to let him know I am round the corner from him to be told he doesnt want it. Sound , back to the yard for 17:20.

Tacho on rest, tacho out, diary written in and tacho disc holder thingy filled in. Home time.

Hate days like this. Plus doing it in the artic was not fun. Still enjoying driving the Artic though. Had to navigate some tight bends, park in some “restricted areas” but all in all I would happily drive it full time should the option come up.

I believe I am off to Macclesfield tomorrow morning.

Well done - bet you were getting cross/stressed trying to find the Wigan drop…! Sounds like you coped well with irritating circumstances.

Well done - bet you were getting cross/stressed trying to find the Wigan drop…! Sounds like you coped well with irritating circumstances.

tbh it was getting frustrating, but I knew if it let it get to me it would lead to problems or an accident so I just went with the flow until I go to where I needed to be. All part and parcel of the job unfortunately :wink:

Well done at your first day!
You’ll never get bored doing building sites!
Our company are contracted for Stewart Milne Homes. One way with house kit then some backload.
In 90% sites makes you wonder, does the planners never expect deliveries by artics or even rigids!
As you mentioned, you’ll be the last one to find out that the site entrance is moved.
Even if yesterday there was a space to make a u-turn, tomorrow you’ll have to reverse all way out!
Never believe when someone tells you that they just had an artic down there. You are the one to decide should you put yourself in to trouble. Mud is very slippery, front axle easily can sink in to the ground and damage your tank and so on!
Good luck!

Well done at your first day!
You’ll never get bored doing building sites!
Our company are contracted for Stewart Milne Homes. One way with house kit then some backload.
In 90% sites makes you wonder, does the planners never expect deliveries by artics or even rigids!
As you mentioned, you’ll be the last one to find out that the site entrance is moved.
Even if yesterday there was a space to make a u-turn, tomorrow you’ll have to reverse all way out!
Never believe when someone tells you that they just had an artic down there. You are the one to decide should you put yourself in to trouble. Mud is very slippery, front axle easily can sink in to the ground and damage your tank and so on!
Good luck!

Thanks Zanfta. Yeah I have taken to walking to some sites if it looks a bit dodgey, thats even when i am in the rigids. Building sites are indeed fun! and you are not wrong with the 90%. Having the Moffett is handy though , with it being a road vehicle you can some times park the wagon away some where safe then rattle the palets on the Moffett onto site.

Added Day 2

Day 3 added

I’ve only just noticed your adding the days to your first post…spent 5 mins looking on the forum for your “day 2” thread lol,maybe just add it as a new post?

Glad your enjoying yourself though.

Is that your first driving job after passing your class 1 licence? Sounds like you are coping like an experienced one with all these difficuluties. Well done :slight_smile:

I’ve only just noticed your adding the days to your first post…spent 5 mins looking on the forum for your “day 2” thread lol,maybe just add it as a new post?

It took me a while to find it too. Just stick them at the bottom mate, then the responses will be relevant to the stuff directly above it…

A good read though!

Is that your first driving job after passing your class 1 licence? Sounds like you are coping like an experienced one with all these difficuluties. Well done :slight_smile:

This is my first week as a Class 1 Driver since passing in September but I have been driving Class 2 since August, been with this company since October.

Thank you for the compliments on how i’m coping. Long way to go till the weekend though :wink:

Will start putting the rest of the days just as a normal comment and not attach it to original comment.

I’ve only just noticed your adding the days to your first post…spent 5 mins looking on the forum for your “day 2” thread lol,maybe just add it as a new post?

Glad your enjoying yourself though.

Yup really enjoying it!


Do you believe that class 2 experience helped you a lot in this job? I am just starting my journey for class 1 and cant stop wondering is it better to go all the way to artics from nothing or get class 2 and try to build some experience and then move on. Some people say it is better to go all out and some prefer to climb the ladder step by step. I personally dont believe anyone would be offered a class 1 job shortly after passing the test. Even though a person would hold fresh cpc and digital tachograph. Once again you seem to be doing brill. Would love to see myself in similar place after completing my qualification.


Do you believe that class 2 experience helped you a lot in this job? I am just starting my journey for class 1 and cant stop wondering is it better to go all the way to artics from nothing or get class 2 and try to build some experience and then move on. Some people say it is better to go all out and some prefer to climb the ladder step by step. I personally dont believe anyone would be offered a class 1 job shortly after passing the test. Even though a person would hold fresh cpc and digital tachograph. Once again you seem to be doing brill. Would love to see myself in similar place after completing my qualification.

I would recommend getting some time as a Class 2 Driver. My current job is still a Class 2 Driver, but I mentioned I have my Class 1 so get a bit extra coin to cover the Class 1. So its Win Win.

I’m sure you will get to the same position one day. Good luck with your Class 1.

So you is it basically your first driving job. Couldnt get better for you mate. I have been checking on the market and looks like there are opportunities in my area (give or take 30miles radius) But most employers ask for 1-2 years experience, some of them do not speficy but I guess they expect the same. On the other hand some schools (recommended here) claim they work with some employers running tests and assessments at their facilities so there is a little hope for newbies.

So you is it basically your first driving job. Couldnt get better for you mate. I have been checking on the market and looks like there are opportunities in my area (give or take 30miles radius) But most employers ask for 1-2 years experience, some of them do not speficy but I guess they expect the same. On the other hand some schools (recommended here) claim they work with some employers running tests and assessments at their facilities so there is a little hope for newbies.

I started off in Agency work. Was happy to be a body behind a wheel for a while and most places dont ask for minimum experience. Working for P&H was a bit crappy but I defo gained a lot from the experience. What I am doing now is a walk in the park compared.

I got where I am now by being in the right place at the right time. CPC is defo a game changer though.

Day 4

Started: 0630
Finished 1720

Absolute non starter of a day. In the yard till 9am!! Also found out another driver was going to the same place as me in Macclesfield. Only it was his 2nd drop where as I had a full wagon of stuff. Ended up taking a 45 min break in the yard because I knew I was going to be a while at the drop.

Got to drop about 10:30 and it was a tiny tiny tiny tiny drop. I had around 13-15 pallets on and my fellow driver had about 8. He got to site before me so I was sat around again waiting for him. ended up beginning to unload at 11:00. After finally getting the load off I realised my mouth was as dry as Gandhi’s flip flop So I asked if there was any where I could get a brew. He kindly pointed me to the make shift canteen and handed me a bag with 2 doughnuts in.

Left site around 13:30 , no traffic on motorway so enjoyed my coffee and doughnuts! Bit gusty the wind but nothing to bad. Must admit, Wind is one weather condition I don’t like driving in. Haven’t driven in snow and ice yet though :laughing:

back at yard approx 14:30 expecting another run, nope. Park up we’ll load you for tomorrow. Sound. Curtains open. Break - On.

Finally start getting loaded at 16:30. Finish at 17:15. Into office, clock out, quick look at run before I go. BOOM North Wales day out for Friday :smiley:

Not really exciting today. Just alot of waiting around.


Enjoying reading your daily write ups. Noticed on one of them though you said you changed your tacho over to a break and then ejected it?

was wondering why you did that?


Enjoying reading your daily write ups. Noticed on one of them though you said you changed your tacho over to a break and then ejected it?

was wondering why you did that?

Glad you’re liking the diary, thank you for reading :smiley:

I stick my tacho onto rest before I eject it. usually leave it on a minute or so whilst I clear my stuff away so it registers I am on break/rest.

Just going to get a beer then will write up my final day :smiley:

Day 5 - Final day - THE GREAT NORTH WALES RUN (Bala, Porthmadog, Caenarfon, LLandudno, Deeside)
Start : 06:30am
Finish : 16:00

Well folks, got into yard nice and early so I could begin my final day on the Artic. Got loaded the night before so hoped to be out the yard before 0800/0830 am. Gets in , clocks in on machine and grabs a brew only to find no paper work has been printed out and I am still not on the handheld (only been there month and a half) So I have to hang around till half 7. So i make most of my time by re-checking my load. Finally get my notes, all Travis Perkins (TP) drops , Brucey Bonus. Thinking on, I should have taken off the Moffett and saved some fuel but ah well, you never know.

About 2 hour drive to Bala in the Rain. Was great! really enjoyed the drive. Got to Bala and must admit I felt the effects of sitting down for 2 hours and not really moving. Two pallets off thanks to the forkie on site, quick pee then off to Porthmadog.

Took the scenic route so about another hours drive. Another easy drop. 9 Pallets off in double time as both forkies on site unloaded us.

Off to Caenarfon. AdBlue warning light comes on - Low Adblue. OOOOH Flip. Ring the office to let them know - “never mind, we will sort it monday” Happy days.

Decided to take my break at 11:30 about 5 miles away from drop. I know I had another hour to go before 6 hours was up and was on about 3 hours 45 mins driving so didn’t want to risk it. Landed at TP Caenarfon around 12:45. Again just one pallet to come off. Had a chat with the forkie about Wales Rugby’s recent form of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory against the Aussies.

Off to Llandudno. On my paper work it said Llandudno , Conwy. At this point I had a little brain ■■■■. I used to go to these areas camping through out my child hood school holidays and for the life of me I thought Llandudno and Conwy where two seperate places, so I rang the office to make sure. They confirmed that “conwy is near Llandudno” - good enough for me.

Get to Conwy TP in good time, approx 13:30 but its a pig of a site. I still maintain the opinion who ever decides to put these TP’s in the places they are did not intend for stuff to be delivered at some. I had to park across the entrance to get two pallets off. Again TP Forkie was kind enough to unload me.

Head to Deeside/shotton. Stick The Archers on at 14:00. Then over to Heart Radio for Feel good Friday. I will admit , I am a metalhead but Heart on Friday is the dogs danggly bits. Arrive at Deeside TP at 15:00. Simple drop, just a bag of these cone type things. Backed onto the road and off I head back to Liverpool and the weekend!!!

Land back in God’s Favourite City (controversial) and base at 15:45. Into the yard. Park the Wagon in the yard out the way as the reg driver is off Monday and I am off monday as well.

Feel like I have accomplished something this week. Really fell in love driving the Artic. Been a great week and learning curve. Will be bugging the regular driver to take more time off :wink:

I do have a photo but unsure how to get it on here. So I have added it as an Upload.

Hope you have enjoyed my Diary.

