First day Cat C training

Well thats the first day done. Really pleased with how it has gone, clipped one kerb very early on this morning at a tight mini roundabout. Took a bit of time getting used to right gear etc. Nailed the first reverse and the other three in the yard when we got back so well happy about that. The instructor was very happy and said that he didn’t need a drink to calm his nerves tonight! lol. Looking forward to day two, although i know i’m bound to have a bad day at sometime, just hope it’s not Friday (test day)!

Sounds like all went well. Dont tell yourself your gonna have a bad day, just take it easy and from the sounds of it youll be fine. Good luck with test on friday :smiley:

G lad it went well for you pal and like mamil said don’t worry I’d you have a bad day training and good luck for Friday let us no how you get on

Thanks guys
Day two went well. Did a practice test with my instructor and passed with three minors. Hope day three goes as well.

Day 3 for me on class 2 was the ■■■■ day but if it happens just forget about it don’t let it play on your mind cause day 4 went with no problems and test day went brilliant