First Class 1 Job

Not long passed my Class 1 test (September) and been trying since then to get a lucky break with artics. 9.00pm last Tuesday night got a call from an agency that I’ve been signed up with for a year or so, normally 7.5t or class 2. Wanting me to do a 10pm start class 1 shift for a well known supermarket chain. I obviously jumped at the chance and agreed grabbed my bag and was away.

The roads getting there were evenly covered with a mixture of ice and snow, I should have been put off by the long list of firsts that I was about to face eg: first time out alone in a class 1, first run at night, first time on icy roads, first time on the motorway in a class 1, first time with a fully loaded trailer, the list goes on and on.

Picked up the keys for the unit at the transport office and went to pick it up from the yard, 08 DAF CF which cheered me up a bit as agency drivers from my experience usually get the million miler with not much that works inside.

The trailer was on one of the loading bays so I had to go hitch that up, another first, picking up a full trailer and in the dark it took me 10 minutes to get hitched and another 15 to find the trailer brake and lift the landing legs (trailer was dropped low). After checking, then double checking that I’d properly hitched and done a defect check I was ready to go.

The run there went well apart from the fog on the way and reverse park onto loading bay to tip at the other end, another driver was there when I started to back up and laughed and said “I’m not going to help you son, if I do you’ll never learn for yourself” he did however give a me a tip on where to aim the trailer for when I was backing up, two shunts later I was on the bay.

Plenty of fog on the way back and similar road conditions as they were before I left, so I again just had a steady drive and if I was not sure used caution. I saw a unit and trailer that by the looks of things come into a layby too hot and ran off into a field in a bad way that was being pulled out as I passed.

After seeing that my focus went into overdrive as that driver was obviously much more experienced than me and I could clearly see what happens with a lapse or for not paying attention.

Got back ok with no other issues dropped the trailer refuelled and park the unit back up, I was offered another shift at the same place the following day. I’ve still got a lot to learn but at lest the first time jitters have calmed a bit now.

Good stuff, mate! Talk about ‘baptism of fire’ . . . :slight_smile:

Ref the ‘experienced driver overshooting the lay-by’, maybe he was on his first shift also, maybe he was ‘too experienced’ or so he thought when actually maybe he was too complacent. Maybe it was a pure unavoidable accident.

Reversing onto a bay; I remember one of the first places I was sent to was the Woolworth’s DC at (IIRC) Rochdale (?). Anyway, the bays there were really tight and there was virtually no room; I surprised myself by only using a few shunts and was chuffed to be on the bay without incident or disaster. A ‘more experienced’ driver a few bays down from me managed to knack one of his doors as he backed in!

At least I didn’t knock the doors on anything . . . . . . . . . ahh ■■■■!!! The doors!!! Mine were still closed!! Arrrrggghhhhhh . . . . . . . . :imp: :blush:

I can assure you, the second attempt with the doors open took much longer than the first time . . . . . . . . :unamused:

Hi Daddy P, That was a very interesting and honestly written post, if you don’t mind me saying so. :smiley:

IMHO, you did a great job under very difficult circumstances, so I’d like to add a “well done” and also say that I think it looks very likely that you’ve made it into the ranks of C+E drivers. Nice one mate!! :smiley:

Everybody had a first day, now your first day is behind you. Great feeling innit!! :grimacing:

Daddy P:
another driver was there when I started to back up and laughed and said “I’m not going to help you son, if I do you’ll never learn for yourself” he did however give a me a tip on where to aim the trailer for when I was backing up, two shunts later I was on the bay.

at least he did help a little bit. you should have asked him to stand at the side of you and give you pointers (but not doing it all for you) thats what i did on my first couple of runs and it helped immenseley

wel done mate, glad to see your still plodding on.

take it steady and keep the work up and you’ll soon get passed the nerves stage and be in to the boredom stage.

all the best for 2010

Congrat’s mate, I’ll be up there with you soon hopefuly - I’m just trying to get out of a few bad habbits first. I had a few hours of shunting one night recently that persuaded me to try for my c+e again - I was surprised how easy I found it to be honest - I’m almost looking forward to it but I can see how it could easily turn into a bad day out - I delivered to the co-op in eccleshall today and it’d be a blindside onto their bays :confused: can see me getting that run for my first :blush:

Thanks for all the support guys and happy 2010,

It’s a nice feeling to not be “C+E Virgin” …sitting in the transport office and listening to the other drivers with 20 plus years experience talk about them having difficulty blind siding at some of the drops they go to did worry me since my reversing is still under development. But they were where i am once and when i did get my paperwork and i asked if there were any probs getting to my drops they gave me a heads up on what to look out for.

All i need to do now is listen a bit better, my first drop Thursday was a petrol station supermarket in the middle of a one way system and one of the drivers had told me not to go in the first entrance and drive round the one way system and take the second one because the first is a bit tight, the first entrance depends on which way you come on to the one way system as i found out and the “bit tight” i’d like to rename to “not recomended for new drivers kind of bit tight!”.

Still i managed to get in without hitting anything and without having to back out blind the wrong way into a two lane one way system. When i got back i bumped into the same guy and he asked me how i got on, he had a little chuckle when i told him about what happened.

Hope it gets easier…!

Daddy P:
my reversing is still under development.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Excellent choice of words!! Actually I’d say it still applies to all of us, no matter how long we’ve been let loose in a truck!! :wink:

good luck