First application help

Good afternoon,

I am filling in my first application form for the provisional licence (am a complete newbie to HGV) and would like to know if I need to put a check in the “first entitlement” box or the “additional provisional entitlement” box?

Thankyou :slight_smile:

Good afternoon,

I am filling in my first application form for the provisional licence (am a complete newbie to HGV) and would like to know if I need to put a check in the “first entitlement” box or the “additional provisional entitlement” box?

Thankyou :slight_smile:

Additional prov


Good afternoon,

I am filling in my first application form for the provisional licence (am a complete newbie to HGV) and would like to know if I need to put a check in the “first entitlement” box or the “additional provisional entitlement” box?

Thankyou :slight_smile:

Additional prov

I thought it might be that, many thanks for your help

Hi I’m also filling in the D2 form so I’ll piggyback this thread

I know I should tick both C &D but should I also tick C1 and D1? or will the C & D provisional also give C1 and D1 provisional?

I’m planning on going for C lessons I’d like to have all options covered down the road if I ever decided to go for D/C1/D1 instead


I imagine just C and D would suffice. I doubt ticking the other two would do any harm though.

C & D only - its all you need to do to cover you for all LGV & PCV categories
