DON’T GO DOWN THE BUS ROUTE!!! Sorry for shouting and the pun, I was trained from scratch by our local operator. Talk about lied to in the job decription!
Pay, hours, conditions and everything else was disgusting (and that’s me being polite!)
You’ll be scarred for life after working with the public.
When the fares go up, it’s YOUR fault, not the companys!! You’ll get so much ear ache I can’t describe it.
Your days off are seprated in the middle of the week (mon/wed, tues/thurs, etc)
Can you cover…■■? means YOU WILL COVER!!!
Your day off starts when you accually clock off, say, you finished at 1600, you would be back to work at 1605 the following day (yes that IS your day of 24 hrs off)
Start and finish times are different every day, and I really mean ‘different’, 1103hrs, 1313hrs, 0503hrs. Never rounded to the nearest quarter or half hour.
Buses are more hated that trucks, seen as ‘compensation claim on wheels’!!! You’re cut up all the time, in the hope you hit them, hence why you’ll see half spherical thingys on the front, back and sides (THEY ARE CAMERAS, for insurance purposes)
‘Crash for cash etc’
Finally, I found half of our county are EX-bus drivers from which ever company. Told ‘same ■■■■ just a different coloured bus’
Sorry sounding all negative, could’nt see/find any positives, but that’s my and many other, ex-bus driver’s opinion.