Firms phoning you at home

we have probably all at one time or another had work phone you up at home to give you further instructions or a change of start time etc, etc.
but yesterday a friend of mine finished his shift and was told to be in for 0400 the next morning. however at 21.30 his wife got a call (as he was in bed ) saying to tell him to come in at 07.30 instead.
obviously he turned in at 04.00 as originally planned.

but the question is should your work place be able to contact you at home :question:

a few years back when i worked in the office for exel we used to phone the drivers over the weekend with there start times but overnight this changed and we were told never to phone drivers up at home.
i believe this came about because a women secretary (not working for exel ) took her boss to court because he was forever phoning her with lists of things to do for the next day.
she had had enough of it and she did win the case.

what are your views on your work place calling you at home. :question:

I dodn’t mind text messages that can be accessed when it is convenient to me but I do not appreciate phone calls. :smiling_imp:

i think if its once or twice just to let you know of time changes then ok but wouldnt want them phoning all the time
and i reserve the right to say to the missus (if thats work tel them i,m not in)

I make sure I turn off both the landline and the mobile when I hit the sack, if people can’t ring at a sociable time then TOUGH. As has been said, texts can be accessed at a decent time when it suits me

Further to that, if I can, I only give an employer my mobile number, gives you a whole realm of excuses, flat battery, poor signal area, etc.

When I leave off, my time is my own, not the bosses :smiley:

when i was on tippers my boss was for ever phoning me at home, or if i was out with my mates or djing he would ring my mobile and allways trivial stuff :imp: :imp: like i have turned your night heater on for you for the morning, oh right ta but i would have found that out when i got there!!!
or he would change my start time, then change it about 4 more times then it would go back to the original anyway.
he would all ways ring about 15 times during the day, and would ring for a chat in the evenings when on nights outs usually when i was having dinner.
got tothe pint when i just ignored the phone :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

To be honest i dont mind them phoning me at home as long as its not for a [zb]ing


Unless I’m very much mistaken,If you haven’t given your company your permission to ring you at home,then what they are doing is illegal.

I seem to recall,in the last couple of years or so,it was either a British ruling,or a European one,that came into force forbidding an employer to ring his/her employees at home without the express permission of said employee.

We had a similar issue when I worked for Exhell at Sherburn.

I personally ring the office at night to find out what I’m doing,and then I can prepare for the next day in the way of maps etc.Once I know,I don’t ring anymore,and take what they have told me as done,and if they change it before I get to the yard the next day,then it isn’t my problem,and I then kick off.

However,as I’ve been in the office for the last few weeks,and am likely to be for the foreseeable future,I need not worry about what time to amble in,as I start at 08.00 every morning.

And the first job when I get there?

PUT THE KETTLE ON!!! :smiley: :smiley:


was told to be in for 0400 the next morning. however at 21.30 his wife got a call (as he was in bed ) saying to tell him to come in at 07.30 instead.
obviously he turned in at 04.00 as originally planned.

couldn’t she tell him, or reset his alarm at least? miserable moo! :wink:


was told to be in for 0400 the next morning. however at 21.30 his wife got a call (as he was in bed ) saying to tell him to come in at 07.30 instead.
obviously he turned in at 04.00 as originally planned.

couldn’t she tell him, or reset his alarm at least? miserable moo! :wink:

she told him.
he wanted to start at 04.00 anyhow. the earlier you start the earlier you finish :wink:

but the question is should your work place be able to contact you at home :question:

With me it’s like this. I have my own mobile and my works. My own one usually stops at home these days as it’s a PAYG phone. My works one is with me 24/7. It is always switched on, and when I am “sleeping” or should be anyway my phone goes to a profile for “alarm only, no calls”.

They don’t have my home number.

Ususally I’ve no major problems with it but occasionally one of the other drivers is a little less, ah, considerate for my rest times!!!

I used to work for a firm who would ring you when you were on holiday :open_mouth: aswell as in the evening :unamused: . Got caller display on the land line to sort that problem out :laughing: , and i didnt have a mobile at the time :slight_smile: .
Another lad got cut off, he wouldnt pay the bill his teenage girls had ran up. Told the boss about being cut off, but wouldnt tell him when eventualy he got reconnected :laughing:

Well…what I do is:

  1. Dont give them your mobile number
  2. Get caller id on your home phone and if its work dont answer it.
  3. If they do get a hold of you tell them your in the pub & intoxicated :wink:


Tell them that according to the RHA regulations you have the right to get an hours pay every time they phone you at home :exclamation: Look it up, it’s true :slight_smile:

I was thinking of this recently and was thinking about those 0908 numbers you know the ones that cost £1.50 a minute ( cough ahem so ive heard )i wonder if you got enough of us to get one going and then give that number to our bosses we could make a nice little earner;).

Press 1 for Jammy, press 2 for…■■?.. u get my drift :slight_smile::):):)…

I was thinking of this recently and was thinking about those 0908 numbers you know the ones

Press 1 for Jammy, press 2 for…■■?.. u get my drift :slight_smile::):):)…

Is there some thing you want to share with us :wink: {its not only the press that can doctor a quote :laughing: }

my firm cant organise the next days work in reasonable time,they phone everyone at home…take Friday they rang at 1300 hrs and i was sent to load full load for Bilingham So i said ok that will do for me Monday :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: the office donkey told me the planning wasnt done and they,d ring me over the weekend zb zb
Needless to say i kicked off ‘what was there to plan’ :frowning:
they have Saturday jobs sitting in office all week that they try to sort on Friday afternnoon :question: why

I would rather the company phone me at home than have to hang around in the depot while the last minute to see what Im doing :stuck_out_tongue:

Now when I drive into the yard, I can put my stuff in the car and go home. If there are any last minute changes, they can call me & at least I am not going to be getting up at silly o clock for no reason

I had a situstion with work sometime ago where they started to ring me up at silly hours of the morning asking me to go in earlier. so after a few dummie spitting sessions asking em not to ring me before 6am. they said "we cant do it, coz its for opperational requirements". Ive added 141 to the beginning of the works contact numbers in the phones memory, so even if I have to ring the office for any reason they cant trace my number by dialling 1471 :smiley: but recently Ive acquired a new phone on contract, so I used the old PAYG for work only, (the office has this number) ond this phone is switched off when I leave work. and when the £5 credit runs out, unless the office are prepared to top it up, I wont be using it in the future for work to dial out, only to recieve incoming calls. The new phones number is strictly for personnel use, and I intend not to allow the office access to the number so they cant contact me on it.
so unless they are prepared to assist me with the funding of my phone bill, Ill ask for my start time for the next day either as Im knocking off at the end of the day, or if its the weekend, I`ll ring em on sunday evening to ask for my start time and stick to it .

in general most of the drivers I work with have 2 mobiles, 1 personnel, & 1 for work, and they tend to switch the work mobile off as they leave site at the end of the day and they know if the office has rung em at home coz it comes up “number witheld” if they dial 1471

Typical conversation would go like this!

“Ring Ring” Hello-Bonjour

I am just ringing you to let you know that your trailer for Monday has missed the ferry / your load has been cancelled etc. Give me a call about 9am

Thanks for letting me know I reply

Sorry for ringing you at home Malc

Dont worry, I had to get up because the phone was ringing :stuck_out_tongue:

I prefer the phone call at home or in the pub than having to try to find a non existent trailer on the dockside at 3 in a morning

i always tell bosses that i dont receive phone calls after 2100…that is a reasonable time…and i dont use my money to fund running their trucks either or my own phone …had a time when the boss never paid his phone bill so the phones were cut off…i used mine for 2 days as did the other drivers…and then he had a brilliant idea of not paying the bill…and using our phones instead…well that didnt last long cos i cut mine off…and after running back empty from hereford he told me that i had a return load from worcester…tough old life innit…had to run up there next day…but at least he paid his phone bill…
have a nice day