Firefox, Google Chrome, IE any other browser users

can anyone with a couple minutes help us out…
can they go to this page
and tell us

  1. which browser you are using
  2. If the info panel loads and roughly how long it takes to load - it may take a couple minutes,
  3. If the content displays correctly first time
  4. If the content doesnt display correctly if going to another tab and back clears it
  5. Your Internet connection speed (e.g. Cable 2megs, Mobile laptop 2 megs etc )

This is what you should see quite quickly

This is what it may look like if not displaying correctly

If you get a different display bug and can post a screen shot of it that would also be helpful

I think it is mainly a problem with IE (Internet Explorer) but want to get a few more users with different browsers to check.

Tiscali Broadband 2 megs.
I’m running IE8
Page loaded perfectly first time and almost instantly too :slight_smile:



  1. which browser you are using


2. If the info panel loads and roughly how long it takes to load - it may take a couple minutes,

23 seconds

3. If the content displays correctly first time

not fully visible

4. If the content doesnt display correctly if going to another tab and back clears it


5. Your Internet connection speed (e.g. Cable 2megs, Mobile laptop 2 megs etc )

Virgin XL package - not sure how fast it is supposed to be

can anyone with a couple minutes help us out…
can they go to this page
and tell us

  1. which browser you are using

Mozilla Firefox 3.0. 14

  1. If the info panel loads and roughly how long it takes to load - it may take a couple minutes,

25 seconds
3. If the content displays correctly first time


  1. If the content doesnt display correctly if going to another tab and back clears it


  1. Your Internet connection speed (e.g. Cable 2megs, Mobile laptop 2 megs etc )

Orange HomeMax 8meg allegedly

I think it is mainly a problem with IE (Internet Explorer) but want to get a few more users with different browsers to check.

It’s a problem that Bill Gates invented :wink:

  1. which browser you are using
    (IE7 had faults but wasn’t too bad, but I gave up with IE8 cos it was even worserer :smiling_imp: )

  2. If the info panel loads and roughly how long it takes to load
    <3 seconds

  3. If the content displays correctly first time
    Yes, spot-on. :smiley:

  4. If the content doesnt display correctly if going to another tab and back clears it

  5. Your Internet connection speed (e.g. Cable 2megs, Mobile laptop 2 megs etc )
    10meg to wireless router, 5meg at lappy. (Checked by :sunglasses: )

I think it is mainly a problem with IE (Internet Explorer) but want to get a few more users with different browsers to check.
Glad to assist. :smiley:


  1. which browser you are using
  2. If the info panel loads and roughly how long it takes to load - it may take a couple minutes,
  3. If the content displays correctly first time
  4. If the content doesnt display correctly if going to another tab and back clears it
  5. Your Internet connection speed (e.g. Cable 2megs, Mobile laptop 2 megs etc )

I’ve tried this in Firefox 3.5.3 and in Internet Explorer 8 and it fails to display correctly in both, changing tabs makes no difference nor does refreshing the page.

I’m on a 20 meg cable connection.

In Firefox the page takes less than 4 seconds to load every time :smiley:

In IE 8 the page takes around 25 seconds to load every time :frowning:

Internet Explorer 8

Firefox 3.5.3


  1. which browser you are using
  2. If the info panel loads and roughly how long it takes to load - it may take a couple minutes,
    It loaded in a couple of seconds
  3. If the content displays correctly first time
    It does
  4. If the content doesnt display correctly if going to another tab and back clears it
  5. Your Internet connection speed (e.g. Cable 2megs, Mobile laptop 2 megs etc )
    BT Broadband at about 3.5 meg, and most of that speed taken up with downloads while I checked this.

Don’t know if this helps or not but the page has obviously been changed and now displays correctly in IE 8 still slow but the display is right.
No difference in Firefox 3.5.3 though.

To be honest I think most people would only wait 25 seconds for a page to load if it contained ■■■■ or warez.
So perhaps you should consider adding some :grimacing:

Someone must have been working on it as I typed the last post.
The display is now correct in Firefox 3.5.3 and IE 8 :smiley:



  1. which browser you are using


2. If the info panel loads and roughly how long it takes to load - it may take a couple minutes,

23 seconds

3. If the content displays correctly first time

not fully visible

4. If the content doesnt display correctly if going to another tab and back clears it


5. Your Internet connection speed (e.g. Cable 2megs, Mobile laptop 2 megs etc )

Virgin XL package - not sure how fast it is supposed to be

Now fully loading correctly in about 12 seconds


  1. which browser you are using
  2. If the info panel loads and roughly how long it takes to load - it may take a couple minutes,
  3. If the content displays correctly first time
  4. If the content doesnt display correctly if going to another tab and back clears it
  5. Your Internet connection speed (e.g. Cable 2megs, Mobile laptop 2 megs etc )
  1. Mozilla SeaMonkey 1.1.16
  2. about 3 secs
  3. Loaded correctly
  4. N/A
  5. 2 Meg Orange broadband on a phone line


  1. which browser you are using. Google Chrome
  2. If the info panel loads and roughly how long it takes to load. As soon as I clicked on the link.
  3. If the content displays correctly first time. Yes
  4. If the content doesnt display correctly if going to another tab and back clears it. N/A
  5. Your Internet connection speed (e.g. Cable 2megs, Mobile laptop 2 megs etc ). Sky unlimited.
  1. which browser you are using = Opera 10

  2. If the info panel loads and roughly how long it takes to load - it may take a couple minutes, = Seconds

  3. If the content displays correctly first time = Seemed to nothing blank

  4. If the content doesnt display correctly if going to another tab and back clears it = Refreshed twice to be sure

  5. Your Internet connection speed (e.g. Cable 2megs, Mobile laptop 2 megs etc ) = 20 mbs :smiley: actually getting 16. :frowning:

safari on vista is ok

Avant browser using windows 7 some of the gfx fail to display.

Opera and Firefox both on Ubuntu Linux OK.

It also passes most XSS and SQL injection tests. 1 or 2 grey areas in the code but it is probably a PHP thing at my end. :open_mouth:

Using Opera 9.63 on a 20 meg connection. Page loads in 1 second and all appears to be correct except that the CLASSIFIEDS tab doesn’t work. I get the following error message appear -

Statement on line 10: Cannot convert undefined or null to Object stacktrace: n/a; see opera:config#UserPrefs|Exceptions Have Stacktrace

FAIL. :grimacing: