Fined for reporting illegals in truck!

You go through a french shed 1st where if they are found then all that happens is the police take them away. You then get your ferry ticket an go to UK passport control. This is you entering the british control zone, this is where the ukba check sheds are. If they find any illegals then they issue the driver and company with a fine.

If you think you have any onboard make sure the french get them out.

They have changed the layout since my last visit to calais port, it used to be a case of just the one shed,before the ticket booths, then there was the ukba after that, but they didn’t have their own sheds back then just a few booths,and they would tell you to pull over to the side so they could check the truck, but even back then i can remember the english manning the 1st set of heart beat sheds , not sure who operated the x ray scanner

An idea I once had was whenever a ferry, plane, train enters the country it is checked over before disembarking. If any illegals are found on it, then the Plane/ferry/train gets sent back with everyone on board.
If it comes over a second time with illegals on it, The illegals and the crew of the plane/train/boat are put on the next plane/train/ferry by the same company and sent back, and the offending plane/ferry/train is cut up for scrap.

Wouldn’t take long before other countries stop sending illegals to us.

Or make all benefits and free health care in accessible to them , they come here if they must, but just as in the rest of Europe they get no handouts from government, if they are found working illegally the owner of the company gets a really big fine & possibly a holiday at H.M. expense, and the immigrant is sent home,or back to France,not taken to a plod stn then released on bail, never to be seen again, and all those who commit crimes here are deported with no exceptions
Do the above,and within 12mths the number of then with our shores in their sights would reduce by it’s self , As others have said the uk is far to soft with them, and they have been taking advantage of this for years, We also need to stop poking our noses into other countries conflicts /affairs like syria we are not the worlds plod, and neither are the usa,(although they would like to be) because they are control freaks, hence all the errosion of our privacy rights as well as alot more , which isn’t in our best interests

I don’t understand the appeal of the UK??

All of the EU has similar benefits to the UK, so once they’re in the EU, why keep trying to get to the UK, climbing in a fridge truck is just madness :open_mouth:

Been watching aussie immigration programmes and they find them, pen them and then deport them on the first available outgoing plane to where they came from = sorted

I don’t understand the appeal of the UK??

All of the EU has similar benefits to the UK, so once they’re in the EU, why keep trying to get to the UK, climbing in a fridge truck is just madness :open_mouth:

it’s the land of milk & honey, they don’t get free health care in europe, and i doubt they get any state handouts or council houses, but they get all that here and more,Free education for their kids, as well as lots of other help that you native brit can’t get, take that away they will cease to make a beeline for blighty, Our government is too soft, saying if they can’t determin what country they originate from they cant send them back, Yes they can, send them back to france, the frogs would soon get ■■■■■■ off then & would start deporting them from their country be it to spain,or italy as most will of transited those countries
And they know that there is little chance of them ever getting deported even if they are convicted or serious crimes, as all they have to do get a british woman to marry them or have a brat with them, and they are always allowed to stay ,as the goverment don’t want to split up a family, IMO they should deport all the family then, it would maybe make those girls who fall for you imigrant to keep their legs closed

tommy t:

I don’t understand the appeal of the UK??

All of the EU has similar benefits to the UK, so once they’re in the EU, why keep trying to get to the UK, climbing in a fridge truck is just madness :open_mouth:

it’s the land of milk & honey, they don’t get free health care in europe, and i doubt they get any state handouts or council houses, but they get all that here and more,Free education for their kids, as well as lots of other help that you native brit can’t get, take that away they will cease to make a beeline for blighty, Our government is too soft, saying if they can’t determin what country they originate from they cant send them back, Yes they can, send them back to france, the frogs would soon get ■■■■■■ off then & would start deporting them from their country be it to spain,or italy as most will of transited those countries
And they know that there is little chance of them ever getting deported even if they are convicted or serious crimes, as all they have to do get a british woman to marry them or have a brat with them, and they are always allowed to stay ,as the goverment don’t want to split up a family, IMO they should deport all the family then, it would maybe make those girls who fall for you imigrant to keep their legs closed

add to all the above once they have secured a UK passport the world is at their feet

tommy t:
We also need to stop poking our noses into other countries conflicts /affairs like syria we are not the worlds plod, and neither are the usa,(although they would like to be) because they are control freaks, hence all the errosion of our privacy rights as well as alot more , which isn’t in our best interests

Most areas if not all of public services i.e. Police, fire, schools and hospitals are always complaining about being short staffed due to budget cuts. I believe the fire service are currently looking to cut ten million from their budget.

We are giving £400 million to Syria.

HTF does that make sense? :unamused: :imp:

I cannot find in this thread the answer to my question …

Why do lorry drivers get fined when they have done all that is reasonably possible ?

I cannot find in this thread the answer to my question …

Why do lorry drivers get fined when they have done all that is reasonably possible ?

It’s simple really… The pointy heads have decided that in order to look as though they are tackling a problem of their own creation that a visible deterrent needs to be employed, in this case they have deemed a financial penalty is in order. But as is their wont they start at the bottom of the food chain and fine the lorry driver.

This fulfils their desire to be seen as proactive without taking the chance of fining big companies who might challenge this in court thus causing the Govt to end up with egg on their faces. Everybody is a winner this way. Except of course the poor working man, but hey, we count for nothing to them anyway.

100% correct :cry: :cry:

I cannot find in this thread the answer to my question …

Why do lorry drivers get fined when they have done all that is reasonably possible ?

See here for why.


tommy t:
We also need to stop poking our noses into other countries conflicts /affairs like syria we are not the worlds plod, and neither are the usa,(although they would like to be) because they are control freaks, hence all the errosion of our privacy rights as well as alot more , which isn’t in our best interests

Most areas if not all of public services i.e. Police, fire, schools and hospitals are always complaining about being short staffed due to budget cuts. I believe the fire service are currently looking to cut ten million from their budget.

We are giving £400 million to Syria.

HTF does that make sense? :unamused: :imp:

It doesn’t and neither does this government ,tossers is what they are did anyone watch the last panarama of bbc 1, about the tax avoiders and how the government has made things easier for those big companies to hide their profits from the tax man,legally , [zb] jokers !! BBC One - Panorama, Tax, Lies and Videotape


I cannot find in this thread the answer to my question …

Why do lorry drivers get fined when they have done all that is reasonably possible ?

See here for why.

Clandestine entrant civil penalty scheme - GOV.UK

Which mostly is bollock’s and there is nothing there about what happens to the taliban found on the vehicle or what the money collected in fines gets spent on either , the current system does nothing to reduce the number of taliban sneaking into our country it makes no difference at all, apart from making drivers and hauliers poorer ,and government profiting from it, because by letting them go knowing full well that they will just stow themselves away the next opportunity they get ukba and the French are complicit in facilitating mass illegal immigration and should be brought to book about it, but the government is corrupt too. full of self servers, “they work for us”. lol what a load of ■■■■■■■■ that statement is

As a driver who has had several takeaway chinese ( ok they were vietnamese but what the hell) and paid a fortune for the experience i am convinced that as in the case of the road fund licence not being used for the roads these border agency charges are now dependant of the U.K governments planned recovery from financial reccession !!

Found a better video the fun starts at around 27:50 in and IMO shows ukba are complicit in human trafficking

If they say that they can do nothing to stop it, then the law needs changing so that they can stop them, And until then they should stop fining drivers and companies that have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the taliban can’t stow away on board their vehicle

As a driver who has had several takeaway chinese ( ok they were vietnamese but what the hell) and paid a fortune for the experience i am convinced that as in the case of the road fund licence not being used for the roads these border agency charges are now dependant of the U.K governments planned recovery from financial reccession !!

that and robbing the poorest in the uk as well as all the dosh they get from lobbying ( fees) and tax avoidance , they may even be trying to create a tax heaven here,

Strikes me that it seems fairly easy to comply with the guidelines set out by UKBA.
Company registration seems easy as well.
So what’s the problem?
Do your checks,document those checks, and video it as well.
Result: no fines,even if they find some bodies.Job’s a goodun.

I know someone who did as ukba recomend ie the regular checks of seals ect and recording of those on a pre printed form from his employer ,he still got fined, the truck was impounded over night he and co driver where arrested because ukba asked the police to do this, they where released without charge within a few hrs, they had to pay out of their own pocket for a hotel , the load was rejected and had to be returned to the sender in holland, wasn’t this enough fiancial penalty to driver and company without fining them as well?

After all they were not found at a port by ukba, but near bloody stoke not far from the delivery address, and my mate was the one who reported them to plod, you can guess what he would do if there was a next time, give em a kicking and turf them out and not bother reporting them

Their current system don’t work, the driver always gets shafted, if it where me i would refuse to pay any fines, i would appeal and keep on appealing i would not pay ,because some scumbag taliban’s decided to sneak on board my truck that i had took reasonable steps to keep secure, but if they want to cut &pin tir cords and padlocks or climb in from the roof, into a load that is nearley roof height or is something like tyres for tractors ect then how can any driver be certain that they have no taliban as it’s not praticable or safe for them to check, as the taliban will use the cover of darkness to get into a trl, i watched them once at the pidou in calais, they where hiding in the bushes waiting for english trucks to park and driver’s to go into pidou, then they would run around like rats seeking a way into the trl or under it,