Finding Work

Hi Just recently joined this site and was wondering if anyone got any advice on finding and truck work. I have recently passed my C and my C+E license but everywhere i look people are after 2 years experience, How are people sposed to get experience when there is nothing out there :frowning:


It’s not easy but just reading on here proves new drivers get jobs.
Where are you in uk? What kind of work are you after there is so many types…days/nights/tramping? How far will/can you travel? What have you done so far to get work?
I’ve only had my class 1 2.5 years but I kept getting jobs. They were on the most part crap jobs but I got them, have you made a cv? If not print loads off and drive round the yards many here have been in the right place at the right time. I went into a yard 2 weeks ago on the off chance and was offered a job a week later but the money wasn’t right for me so I declined but it’s more proof it does work, I also got mu last job from a cv I’d dropped in months earlier.

Hi Greerie, I too am having a number of problems finding work as I passed my Class 2, 4 weeks ago. I’ve registered with a number of agency’s and as yet not a beep out of my phone. I also applied for othe Class C jobs direct and today got a thanks but no thanks letter from a local farm about driving a milk tanker. :cry:

I knew things were going to be tough due to LACK OF EXPERIENCE, but hey, how do you get it. Guess we just have to keep plugging away at it. I don’t want to pay to put myself through the Class 1 in case I get the same responce. Although for the long game I do want to gain my Class 1.

all I want is somebody to say YES so I can get some experience. I’m even appling for 7.5t work to see what happens.

Well today i got a phone call from a company so got a meeting on Monday so fingers crossed. MCC i would get you class 1 done as soon as mate, I booked my as soon as my license came back from my class 2 it really helps and you wont of forgot any of your mirror work. Ollie yeah I must of spent about £20 in stamps posting out my CV and cover letter and out of about 40 letters I’ve had 3 replys. One of which I am going to on Monday.

Sounds about right :smiley:
Good luck!!
And fir the chap above if you have the cash do you class one now much better chance of work even though there are lots of us there’s still more class two drivers. Good luck to you to :wink: