Finance...Operator licence...Need Advice

I am in the process of setting up as an O/D…The broker setting up the finance has now told me the finance company want the operators licence in my name…I have an agreement with a company to operate under their licence…This is a major setback,has anyone else had this problem, any advice appreciated…

I’d like to see this agreement you have, because afaik you’ll get into a lot of trouble with VOSA for using someone else’s O licence

Denis F:
I’d like to see this agreement you have, because afaik you’ll get into a lot of trouble with VOSA for using someone else’s O licence

Denis…I provide the vehicle and the Company add the vehicle to their O licence they provide maintenance,inspections and transport manager…as far as i know this is ok…

sooner you than me :wink:

I wouldn’t go near that with a bargepole! If you’re going to do it, do it properly and get a licence in your own name.



Im in the process right now of appling for an olicence.

ive done the newspaper thing approx 3 weeks ago and sent this in with my application forms £250 local newspaper ad was £180 + vat,

I also sent another £66 for an interim license as well, vosa did not take this money from my card yet untill the application goes through!

Any how warning here! Vosa have just written to me to say my financial statements eg bank accounts /Barclaycard were not the original statements but copies id printed off my pc, so they wont allow this,i tried looking to see where it says must be originals but could not find!

But in fairness Vosa offered where as all i do is tick a box and sign a method of where they offer the olicence but want to see your bank statements in 6 months time covering the last 3 months of trading, i excepted this method ( thats if theres any body still trading out there in 6 months in " Browns Britain ").For my application vosa need to see the ability of £4800 in readilly usable funds!

Also vosa wrote to say i hadnt included a blank inspection sheet from my maintance provider, again i could not find where they asked for that? si ive just had to send that.

if application is sucessfull vosa want another £391.00 for the issue of the o licence then another £1000 for 2 lorries over the next 5 yrs.

Ive not bought the lorries yet so ive left that part blank on the application form apparantly i tell them the details when bought.

Ive also applied to view my application on line apparantly you do put a few details in on your pc o licence number a few names etc and vosa send you a password in the post?

Blimey expensive lark this already and ive not bought the lorries yet!

Best of luck.

tricky dicky

Tricky Dicky

Also vosa wrote to say i hadnt included a blank inspection sheet from my maintance provider, again i could not find where they asked for that? si ive just had to send that.

hi mate it is in this book … 009-08.pdf

Goods Vehicle Operator Licensing
Guide for Operators GV74

3.6 You must satisfy the Traffic Commissioner that you will keep your vehicles fit and
serviceable at all times. The Traffic Commissioner will want to see a copy of any
maintenance contract or letter of agreement with a garage if you do not do this work
yourself. Examples of the forms used for vehicle safety inspections will be required by the
Traffic Commissioner regardless of whether or not the work is carried out by a garage.
The “Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness”, produced by the Department for Transport
in partnership with the transport industry, gives full advice about the requirements for
maintenance arrangements. Copies are available from The Stationery Office and other
sources. See

Blimey expensive lark this already and ive not bought the lorries yet!

It IS a very expensive business to get into - also very easy to get into trouble with everyone - banks/VOSA/police/customs and the list goes on and on, set youself up as anyting else other that a trucker and the costs are virtually minimal. I am glad I am not new to the game now and I am glad I am finished with it - that said I would not discourage anyone from doing it as long as you know the pitfalls, all you will ever make is a living - just, but it is probably the best job in the world when everything is sweet, if you want to make a million out of transport - start with multi millions - good luck :slight_smile:


Denis F:
I’d like to see this agreement you have, because afaik you’ll get into a lot of trouble with VOSA for using someone else’s O licence

Denis…I provide the vehicle and the Company add the vehicle to their O licence they provide maintenance,inspections and transport manager…as far as i know this is ok…

if this was ok why do you think the finance company are asking for the o licence in your name? from my understanding you can not have a vehicle owned by 1 company/person running on another companies o licence. if you read the c/motor you will find a few in the front who have/are falling foul of vosa by doing this. sorry to rain on your parade!!

I stand corrected…I am now applying for my own…The notice will be in the paper on friday… :wink:
