Films You Hate

King Kong (the most recent) I actually fell asleep in the cinema.
Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp one). Total tosh.
Pirates of The Caribbean. I got roped into seeing two of those in the cinema, both crap.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang/Mary Poppins. Torture. Pure torture.
Sound of Music. See above.
War of The Worlds. Can’t really remember as I fell asleep but Tom Cruise was in it so…
Braveheart. I love the fighting scenes but the story is typical Mel Gibson ■■■■■■■■. England nasty. Scotland lovely. Battle of Stirling Bridge…Where was the bridge?

Les Miserables. Russell Crowe warbling away, being as uncomfortable as me watching it.
Sweeney Todd. Same cringeworthy performance from Mr. Depp & ms. Bonham-Carter.
Guess i just HATE musicals!..many more will come to me in time.

Have to agree with you ■■■■■■■, I hate musicals too. How come when one person sings, everyone in the town knows the words?
Mamma Mia.
Any film with Norman Wisdom (an entire career being paid to fall over and fall off things).
Jurassic Park, particularly the first one. The blonde girl only does two expressions in the entire film; Stupid grin or ■■■■ scared.

Carry on films.
James Bond, a load of far-fetched rubbish.
All science fiction films.

Dave the Renegade:
Carry on films.
James Bond, a load of far-fetched rubbish.

I do like Bond films but my tastes have changed. I used to like the Roger Moore ones as a kid (except Moonraker, that was the worst one ever), but now my favourite ones are of the Connery era (except You Only Live Twice, never understood why Donald Pleasance was so highly rated), and the Daniel Craig offerings.
I even think George Lazenbys’ sole effort is very good (very close to the book).

Agree with willy wonka the latest one ,like ■■■■ would I leave my kids with him regardless of how many golden tickets he had!
Watched The purge last week,what an absolute load of ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ happens!

Took my lad to see the new Jurrasic world film last Saturday and was expecting to be asleep within 30 mins but it was very good,kept me interested for the full length 2hrs10mins which is good for me,the wife point blank refuse to go the cinema with me because I have a tendency to see it as an excuse for a nap,dark rooms and early starts mean sleepy time for us truckers :smiley:

Worse movie I’ve ever wasted some of my life watching is …

An absolute crime against humanity.

Hello to Jason Issacs
Agree with most of the above, except Jurassic Park (seriously wtf?! Awesome film from my childhood!)


One hour photo
Any film that film critics love
Any animation that isn’t Monsters Inc, Wall-E, Minions

I haven’t been to a cinema since 1977 so haven’t much knowledge of films since then. I like a good western, ‘film noir’ from the forties and fifties plus the older musicals from MGM etc. Not bothered about realism, I watch films for escapism which was what a lot of movies were originally made for, so that working folk etc could have a world away from their own mundane lives.

I agree with Muckaway about Bond, and also reckon that the Lazenby one was far better than the critics said as he had a thankless task following Connery, plus he wasn’t an actor (male model) but still did a decent job of it.

Can’t think of any film that I actually hate, I wouldn’t watch things like Jurrasic Park or period dramas though because they don’t interest me but if I did watch them I would possibly enjoy them! One of my favourite films, rarely shown on tv now, is ‘The Set Up’ which was filmed in ‘real time’ and is possibly one of the most true to life (for that time, 1940’s) films about boxing ever made.


Read somewhere that Lazenby was frowned upon because he preferred the company of the crew rather than the other actors and directors. Apparently Diamonds Are Forever was intended to follow on from OHMSS but was changed when Lazenby jacked.
The Moore era ones were a bit silly (some should’ve featured SPECTRE but couldn’t due to the copyright issues after Thunderball (why Connery came back for the unofficial Never Say Never Again). Also Moore was way too old for at least the last two he did.
Watched Live and Let Die the other night, probably Moores’ best one.

I really loked the first Jurassic Park,It was so real,I could hardly tell the digital dinosaurs from the real ones. :smiley:

I hate with a passion ANY Disney film, especially when they feature a gap toothed, lisping ginger kid. I can’t stand Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck etc. In fact, a trip to Disneyland is my idea of hell.
However, Tom & Jerry, Roadrunner & Wylie Coyote, Tweety Pie & Sylvester, Bugs Bunny. Brilliant the way the anti hero always recovers from the ton weight landing on the head, or the fall from a high cliff following being blown up!
As a rule, I can’t stand musicals. However my favourite film is Blues Brothers. No accounting for taste I guess

Hello to Jason Issacs
Agree with most of the above, except Jurassic Park (seriously wtf?! Awesome film from my childhood!)


One hour photo
Any film that film critics love
Any animation that isn’t Monsters Inc, Wall-E, Minions

LOL and hello to a fellow witertainer. Anything with Will Smith is there a more smug in love with himself person on the planet

The Grinch., in fact any Jim Carrey film.

Titanic. Load of over-hyped rubbish
Any film that has the tag line “One woman’s journey”

I don’t watch much tv at all, its probably better to say what films I like

Taken ( Liam Neeson ), I like action films , steven segal , jon claude van damme etc.
Films with Dinasours, horses etc.
Ice age :blush:

I won’t watch horrors, thrillers, musicals, willy wonka, grinch etc.

Can’t stand the 'final destination ’ films

I really liked the King Kong film!

Don’t watch horrors, ‘chickflicks’ or overcomplicated sci -fi.

I like action/adventure/thrillers although I thought Hannah was rubbish. I only watched it coz it got 3 stars in a review.

How come when one person sings, everyone in the town knows the words?

That’ll be something to do with it being a musical. They aren’t normal townspeople :wink:


How come when one person sings, everyone in the town knows the words?

That’ll be something to do with it being a musical. They aren’t normal townspeople :wink:

I just hate musicals, although Oliver isn’t bad if the fast forward button is used.