Ferrybridge services

er ok i’ll just pop this trailer on ur driveway mate and my good buddy will be down in a min to swap over OK :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Most truck stops charge too you know :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

It’s not an operating centre is it so too right!

Change overs wake me up when I have to park in these places so hope this puts a stop to it. Just an opinion like! :wink:


They have to provide free parking for two hours, and they do that begrudgingly, but they are not an extension of your yard and do not have to act as one. I’m no fan of services, but I’m with them on this one.

Trailer changes = β– β– β– β–  poor planning

Trailer changes = β– β– β– β–  poor planning

Or lack of proper resources (and too tight to provide them) to do the job properly!

Trailer changes = β– β– β– β–  poor planning

How on earth do you come to that conclusion ? ? :confused:

Heres just two examples

Wiseman Dairies (now Muller} change over at Tebay with one coming down from Glasgow and one coming up from Manchester the Glasgow driver gets there an hour before gets his break in and the trailer continues on up to Glasgow virtually none stop.

Same when Tesco ran out of Middleton they used to change over at Southwaite with the trailer going up to Livingstone none stop so your β€˜β– β– β– β–  poor planning’ is a none starter, in fact when its done right change overs are a far more efficient way of trunking.

I’ve done lots of trailer swaps at services and never paid a charge. If I was dropping a trailer there to await another driver to pick it up, I suppose that it could incur parking charges. If I was approached for a payment, I would give the contact details for my employer/client and say, " invoice them". I might add that there is a Β£19.50 charge for the supply of this information. I have never heard of a prosecution in pursuit of trailer swap charges

What would happen if you’d have just refused to pay?