Ferrari's first EV debut

Oh, heck! This is even more way off what a Ferrari should be than that Ford Capri that debuted last week. I don’t think it will down well with the purists. :scream:

Ha ha someone on another forum countered the EV enthusiasts with a short video of a Lotus doing an extreme acceleration from a standing start. Apparently it had an electric motor for each of the 4 wheels which obviously did not agree with each other because it immediately destroyed itself violently hitting both front and back into some straw bales.

I watched that, A 2000hp Lotus at Goodwood. What’s the point of all that power if the software cant cope with it or the traction control was turned off .

This 'un i guess.


Who cares in a strict speed regime in which even the German autobahns are no longer an unlimited default limit.Only short sections now.
RWD 400 hp max and a manual transmission option would be far more useful and fun and just maybe more attractive than ICE and auto to many.

Hmn, I wonder, could you get 3rd party only insurance for the Lotus because fully comp. would be a tad too expensive for a poor (very) OAP. :laughing:

No need to worry about that because I reckon you and I might find it impossible to get inside the bloody thing. :rofl:

I’ve never liked the sitting on the floor driving position of such cars at any age moreso now.
I’d prefer a V8 SVR LR Defender but that would cost even more to insure.

The nearest thing to sitting on the floor for me was a Thames Trader.

Something like an F type etc takes sitting on the floor to a whole new low level.