Felixstowe rail freight subsidies offered to hauliers

Read all 'bout it!!

All ok if managed right. You still need a truck to load the box and take it to the relevant freightliner depot. May not take it all the way but truck still needed for the job. Maersk don’t know how to work the train right though. Quite common to load colchester, bury or ipswich and take box to freightliner tilbury

All well and good,but its the small haulier that wont be wanting to sit around at Freightliner Birmingham/Manchester/Leeds for hours and hours on end cause none of these sites have been updated as is the case now…a lot of the time they are running at capacity and only enough space for 2 or 3 trains at any one time…the smaller hauliers a lot of the time dont have depots here,there and everywhere either.

But in effect the idea is to give the small operators an extra £75 a box. Small operators don’t travel very far anyway. The ones in those areas only work from the train anyway. They don’t go to felixstowe. So if they do two locals a day that’s upto £750 per week extra. I bet spanky will snap your arm off at that!

But in effect the idea is to give the small operators an extra £75 a box. Small operators don’t travel very far anyway. The ones in those areas only work from the train anyway. They don’t go to felixstowe. So if they do two locals a day that’s upto £750 per week extra. I bet spanky will snap your arm off at that!

yes,but the smaller hauliers like Rob sub their work from the bigger players/agents unless they have particular customers that exclusively use them??

Fair play. So it’s up to the hauliers to make sure they get the extra. If you ain’t being paid don’t do the job. Like I said, good idea in principle. Let’s see how it pans out. The argument for using the train was lost revenue, ie the rate into tilbury fl was over a hundred short than taking it to the dock. If the subsidy puts that revenue back then happy days. Especially when you don’t have to use an extra drop of diesel

Fair play. So it’s up to the hauliers to make sure they get the extra. If you ain’t being paid don’t do the job. Like I said, good idea in principle. Let’s see how it pans out. The argument for using the train was lost revenue, ie the rate into tilbury fl was over a hundred short than taking it to the dock. If the subsidy puts that revenue back then happy days. Especially when you don’t have to use an extra drop of diesel

Happy days bs.

The road transport industry gets ripped off by the government on fuel tax to make it cheaper for the loads to go by rail then the rail freight industry give back £75 in return for making sure that it gets gets the lion’s share of the mileage out of the job that road transport should be doing if it wants to survive in the long term.The rail freight industry is walking all over the road transport industry with the government’s help and then it wants the road transport industry to help them to do it for a £75 ‘payment’.

When the rail freight industry has sown up the market the road transport industry will just be left to fight over what’s left in the job and you can bet that £75 payment will stop then and the rail freight industry will be dictating the job rate for the few miles left in the job between rail head and customer. :unamused:

The fact is productivety is all about mileage and there’s no long term future in trying to earn money for nothing by moving freight a few miles up the road.

Surely the long term goal is to get freight on the rails to cover most of the mileage then get trucks to deliver from the freight terminals to the places the trains can’t get to.

Surely the long term goal is to get freight on the rails to cover most of the mileage then get trucks to deliver from the freight terminals to the places the trains can’t get to.

That’s the government’s goal and the rail freight industry’s goal but that isn’t in the long term interests of the road transport industry unless the road transport industry has a death wish.

Which seems to be the case. :open_mouth:

As stated on an earlier post, on paper this seems ok, but unfortunately freight liner thinks we’re still in the 70’s! Work to rule, don’t rush, tie the union line brother!
Why? Because they can, and whilst other rail operators exist they don’t have the capacity of freightliner, so in the mean time the average driver can easily lose 20-25 hrs per week waiting! Sad times