Fed up so heres a rant

  • Right so I’m getting a tad fed up with reading all the training diarys… I have never wanted something soo bad before all I want to do is get in to a career that I’ve longed for and give my son the best possible start in life he’s 11weeks on Thursday :smiley: but with money tight at the moment to save up to do my class 2 it feels like its going to to take years to get were I want to be I’m only 25 but I set myself these challenges and i must complete it for the sake of my family… Rant done for now…Sorry…
    Does anyone have any advice??

sorry got no advice but I’m in exactly the same place at the minute, except my clan range from 5 to 24 (6 of em including step kids) so your not alone, all i can say is keep plugging away you’ll get there!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Um, I’d go with trainigs different for everyone, If its what you really want to do then yues do it. I’m proof in case that there are firms out there who will take on new drivers. If its what you want to do and makes you happy then do it,
If you do a job that you hate simply to bring in money then that’s going to slowly posion you. My daughters just over 2 months now, she doesn’t see daddy much during the week due to early starts, some late finishes, and due to the work (powder tankers) when i get home first order of business is shower ( I cant pick her up as soon as i walk in the door).
BUT, she does recoginize me and knows me( the smile is something, wait till hestarts to burble at you mate!)

My main point though is, If its something you really want to do, if that is whatwill make you happy/content, not crawling out of bed each morning going **** i hate this job, then do it, and in the long run I’d guess you’d be better off too,


save up to do my class 2

Hi. I understand the predicament. Have you considered spreading your training and paying for it as you go? I used that system for many years with great success until the current trend for intensive training.

The alternative is to look around for trainers (as opposed to brokers) who offer finance.

Be aware that you may not step straight into work so make sure you can afford the repayments from your current income.

Good luck, Pete :laughing: :laughing: