Fatal crash A50 Derby

TWO people have died after a car crashed into a lorry parked in a lay-by on the A50 in Derby last night.

A blue Peugeot 206, with four people inside, lost control and left the main dual carriageway colliding with a stationary lorry, police say.

The crash took place on the eastbound carriageway between Chellaston and Aston-on-Trent at about 8.50pm.

Two people were taken to hospital with minor injuries and two passengers received fatal injuries.

derbytelegraph.co.uk/people- … story.html

Has the lorry driver been arrested yet :question: Seems to be the usual first reaction to an accident. :unamused:

The Rustler:
Has the lorry driver been arrested yet :question: Seems to be the usual first reaction to an accident. :unamused:

Or passed a law forcing us into paid parking?

Definitely the lorry drivers fault.
Yours sincerely,


The Rustler:
Has the lorry driver been arrested yet :question: Seems to be the usual first reaction to an accident. :unamused:

Or passed a law forcing us into paid parking?

Two people have died! Regardless of circumstances, they are still dead and their families will be grieving and you two post inane and puerile comments!

Let’s hope that you don’t ever get THAT knock on your door :imp:

You must be very proud of yourselves :imp: :open_mouth:

RIP to the deceased

Piston broke:


The Rustler:
Has the lorry driver been arrested yet :question: Seems to be the usual first reaction to an accident. :unamused:

Or passed a law forcing us into paid parking?

Two people have died! Regardless of circumstances, they are still dead and their families will be grieving and you two post inane and puerile comments!

Let’s hope that you don’t ever get THAT knock on your door :imp:

You must be very proud of yourselves :imp: :open_mouth:

RIP to the deceased


Fatboy slimslow:

And you’re shouting at me because…?

I know none of the facts apart from two are dead and two are injured when the car they were in hit a stationary lorry! A couple of families, somewhere, has lost a loved one and should be able to mourn and grieve without reading petty comments on the Tinterweb…

HTH :wink:

It was not meant as an “inane comment” … it was a serious comment / criticism of the way truck drivers are treated after accidents ( and the way the press report accidents in involving HGVs )
You only have to go back to the accident on the M62 involving the “hen-party” … the headlines were full of reports of the immediate arrest of the truck driver … fast forward a few weeks … the mini-bus driver was arrested … barely made a headline in the National papers … the general public probably still ( rightly or wrongly ) think that the truck driver was probably to blame.

Trucknet CSI do not work weekends.But the lorry driver was just doing his job to put a crust on the table to feed his family.

Two people have been killed after a car lost control and hit a lorry parked in a layby.

Police were called to the crash scene on the A50 between Chellaston and Aston-on-Trent, near Derby, last night at 8.50pm.

There were four people in a blue Peugeot 206 when it collided with the lorry as it left the main carriageway.

A police spokesman said: ‘Two passengers received fatal injuries and two other people were taken to hospital with minor injuries.’

The newspapers are already calling the A50 a death road! WTF

I can see the Police doing a purge on trucks parked at night wth no lights on.Not sure how the car driver could not see a truck.

Been passed the scene today, looking at the skid marks the car was possibly out of control and crossed the curbed island seperating the layby area where presumably the truck was parked up.

I can see the Police doing a purge on trucks parked at night wth no lights on.

Me too.

Not sure how the car driver could not see a truck.

I havn’t read anything to indicate he never saw it. Did you ?

I can see the Police doing a purge on trucks parked at night wth no lights on.Not sure how the car driver could not see a truck.

As there was still sufficient daylight at 20:50 to not need lights then I don’t see how lights would have made a difference here.

Don’t suppose anything will be done with regard to local authorities providing rest areas for trucks to park overnight?
Personally , I think laybys are incredibly dangerous, little more than a hard shoulder.
Admittedly, when I was new to the game, I used to park overnight in laybys on the A1 or A604 (A14 now) but there’s no way I’d do it now.
I’ve noticed some guys affixing those flashing red cycle lights to the rear of their trucks when parked, a sensible idea.
It was said above that the layby in question had a refuge( known as a safe haven in tanker world), but I believe proper rest areas should be provided a la France!
The A120 has a cracker, why can’t that idea be rolled out across the country ?

The linked news article clearly says the car lost control… so this wasn’t anything to do with lack of illumination on the parked truck.

The linked news article clearly says the car lost control… so this wasn’t anything to do with lack of illumination on the parked truck.

WE KNOW THAT, we’re taking the schmeichel out of the police who’ll say it’s the truckers fault for not parking up with his sidelights on :bulb: IRONY! :laughing: they should of arrested the class one professional driver, :sunglasses: as it was his fault, :smiley: because he was having his 9 hrs off minding his own business, :open_mouth: curtains drawn and TUGGING ONE OFF TO DEBBIE DOES DALLAS! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: RIP TO THE DECEASED, but it’s the truckers fault :unamused: honestly!

Fatboy slimslow:

The linked news article clearly says the car lost control… so this wasn’t anything to do with lack of illumination on the parked truck.

WE KNOW THAT, we’re taking the schmeichel out of the police who’ll say it’s the truckers fault for not parking up with his sidelights on :bulb: IRONY! :laughing: they should of arrested the class one professional driver, :sunglasses: as it was his fault, :smiley: because he was having his 9 hrs off minding his own business, :open_mouth: curtains drawn and TUGGING ONE OFF TO DEBBIE DOES DALLAS! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: RIP TO THE DECEASED, but it’s the truckers fault :unamused: honestly!

Could you take your pathetic thoughts elsewhere please.


Fatboy slimslow:

Could you take your pathetic thoughts elsewhere please.

no comic! :grimacing: I shan’t. HTH :sunglasses: my opinion :laughing: like it or LUMP IT! :smiley:

was this on the section they closed on monday for emergency resurfacing