Fancy living in this?

Seen at the river field/camping car park where I sometimes walk the dogs, this morning. An FH12 high roof camping car & trailer (for the car).

Click to enlarge.

We do get some oddments down there from time to time, the last one was a 4 wheel Renault, high chassis big wheels 4x4 and over 4 metres high, but the top half telescoped down outside the bottom half when on the road. No idea how they organised the stuff inside though.

Down by my Spanish home at La Marina Playa (Costa Blanca South) there are frequently a number of full size artics (4 x 2) plus a 40ft.van converted into living accommodation.Seems like overkill to me but not to their Dutch and German owners.They are frequently parked for long periods of time.

Volvo looks as if it would have trouble clambering over a speed bump.

I have also seen several converted Renault 4x4 trucks, that appear to be ex military or French Pompiers. Some Merc and Iveco 4x4 too in Morocco.
Also a 6x6 Pinzgauer travelling from Bordeaux to CapeTown. They were in Marrakesh undergoing repairs. A beast of a vehicle for military use, but a big petrol engine and spare parts akin to henā€™s teeth made me doubt itā€™s suitability.

Or take a leaf out of the showmanā€™s stable: this one would have done for me! :joy:


Iā€™m in the throws of converting this one.

There hasnā€™t been a lot of progress, of late.

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That looks a sturdy beast!

I lived in this for two years and travelled with it:


The problem with this approach is finding somewhere long term to park it

Is that a Bristol?

It was a Leyland Titan PD2/27A with the durable 0.600 9.8 litre Leyland in it. No power steering, of course but a joy to drive.

To be picky (sorry Spardo) itā€™s a FM not FH :upside_down_face:

Not picky mate, I stand corrected, but remind me of the difference, I canā€™t remember. I didnā€™t get any closer to it than that for a proper look I was turning away to park up for the dogs to roam and, as the little nearly 14 year old lady Setter has come unexpectedly into season, I was trying to keep her clear of any dogs amongst the campers. :rofl:

Difference 'tween FH and FM is High and Medium. Drive train similar but cab floor level is different.
Here is a video of Mrs RR to explain

Iā€™ll think Iā€™ll just call them Volvos. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :laughing:

Does anybody know where the photo of my Toray Volvo is, and what it is designated as. I bought it, and a few others, but blowed if I can remember. :worried:

Try this

Looks to me like an FH standard sleeper. But I could easily be wrong.

If Cliff Richard can drive one, anybody can.:grin:

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Always wanted to take something like that to the TT for the full fortnight. About 5 of us used to go every year and used to have a laugh about it. Sat in our tents pi ss through.
Still not sure if I could take to living in one full time though. Think if I could Iā€™d have done it by now. Like pierre said parking is an issue, finding somewhere to park a car now is hard enough.

Suppose it depends on location aswell a lot. If youā€™re long term parked up in the highlands somewhere scenic and quiet then cracking but down in this dump no thank you.

iv not ever heard of anyone living in a wagon long term,why is this? is it bad for your health ? even in the wild west they soon made a house . im like many who look at it but dream but never would do it . Reminds me i knew a couple who retired he was a trucker she medical negligence claims but she had a nervous breakdown,- sold house took off to France in a motorhome with a big young Alsation called Saxon, did his hair in the yoghurt drive them mad cooped up barking at each other or are they still loving it ?

Gitanes/Gypsies? Plenty of those living on the road. French authorities donā€™t like them which is why there are plenty of camping car aires in France where caravans are not welcome.

But one day there I saw 2 large motorhomes towing little caravans and signs in the window saying ā€˜mobile plumbers/electriciansā€™. They were perfectly civil to us and the Maire didnā€™t bother them and they were gone within a few days.

The 2020 film ā€œNomadlandā€ led to a lot of people seeing ā€œvanlifeā€ as summat to try out.
Hundreds of YouTube videos about it.
Not really a new thing though is it?
Some have been driving overland for months or years to a known destination, or touring around, either as retirees, or seeking various temp jobs forā€¦ever.
Covid and the expansion of working from home (for some) means that some can now work permanent jobs and be mobile.

New retirees have been taking extended motorhome trips for ages now, and converting an older truck is cheaper than buying an off the shelf Winnebago.

The French loved my double-decker and treated me like royalty on campsites in Brittany. As anywhere, they know the differenceā€¦