Family and friends

What do your family and friends think of you HGV driving?

My dads jealous as he’s at land rover on the line at Solihull bored to tears, but some of his colleagues have earnt 50k doing all the overtime :open_mouth: . My mom has always tried to put me off it, she thinks all truck drivers are fat greasy Neanderthals, not far wrong you could argue :laughing:

My mates think its great, out most the week seeing the country and I can’t argue with that, most of them are still in uni living on £50 per week after ■■■■■■■ the rest up the wall.

Main reason for this thread is I had to cancel eating out tonight with the other half due to work. No problem for me, these things happen and I’m always prepared. It was the end of the world for her though as most things are with females :laughing:, what got me though was when she said “I can’t wait for you to get a real job” :open_mouth:

Mate id take that as a warning shot and be prepared for a “we need to talk moment…”

Re the rest of the post - friends fine with it, a few think I’m mad being out all week but I couldn’t be stuck inside an office like they are.

Family are fine as well. Was always told as a kid by my dad as long as you enjoy what you do, they (parents) would have been happy if I swept the streets.

Wife is great - we have an understanding that if she ever starts to be unhappy with me tramping she will say and ill stop. My immediate family mean more than any job.

Re. Uni mates earning £50 - that does swap mostly. When I was 20ish I was on £25k whilst they earning the £50. Now ones a bloody stockbroker in New York and earns a ■■■■ sight more than £25k.

Splitarses :sunglasses: DON’T HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR! :laughing: woe betide you, when your own your way into Dover, after promising her dinner at a top restaurant for your ruby anniversary and you get pulled and nighted out in the shed! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I wish I had the brains & deep pockets to have gone uni & extended my childhood. This is not a ‘real job’ in my eyes, I want out asap but can’t…:frowning: :frowning:

I wish I had the brains & deep pockets to have gone uni & extended my childhood. This is not a ‘real job’ in my eyes, I want out asap but can’t…:frowning: :frowning:

What do you call a real job?

One that earns you respect from friends/family & enough time off to see them, clean, pays above average wage, everything paid for by the employer etc & benefits, something like medical practitioners, sales directors, IT professionals etc…

One that earns you respect from friends/family & enough time off to see them, clean, pays above average wage, everything paid for by the employer etc & benefits, something like medical practitioners, sales directors, IT professionals etc…

You want respect from family and friends, your profession should have nothing to do with the amount of respect people pay you.

You’re legally entitled to time off.

The average wage in this country is around £26000 Gross, I don’t know any driver on less than that.

Do you imagine everybody in “proper jobs” get everything paid for by their employer, plus benefits? really?

Not everybody can be or wants to be a “medical practitioner” (a very loose definition and an awful lot of jobs in the medical sector are very poorly paid).

Sales directors: Look for the manager in a a series called Phone Shop.

Define an IT professional for me.

You are being sold an image of the world and the positions of the people who inhabit it by TV producers, tabloid journalists and the advertising industry. Don’t fall for it. There is nobody who does an honest day’s work who is “just” anything. Nobody. You are letting people around you define you and what you do through their own prejudices, for whatever reasons they hold them.

There are few jobs more “real” than being charged with hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of vehicle and goods and being tasked to safely deliver them on some of the most congested roads in Europe. If you fail to do so, many people are affected. You are also responsible for the safety of an awesome amount of people during even one working day, one mistake and again, many people are affected.

Stop deriding yourself and your profession, there are enough knockers without knocking ourselves.

After all, a nation of scholars would soon starve.

Stop deriding yourself and your profession, there are enough knockers without knocking ourselves.

I’m not, I’m just telling it how I see it, google the top 10 paying jobs & see…

After all, a nation of scholars would soon starve.

Would they ■■■■, don’t forget that we are all 2 a penny at the moment, a truck driver can be replaced in less than 24hrs, a surgeon for example can’t…!

Would they [zb], don’t forget that we are all 2 a penny at the moment, a truck driver can be replaced in less than 24hrs, a surgeon for example can’t…!
Surgeons are also 2 a penny, I work in a private hospital at the moment, and if you see/speak to the surgeons the are the most miserable bunch of people, they also do long hours (probably longer than truckers) as at the moment their time isnt regulated, they can work as long as they like. Ok granted they earn more, but the divorce rate for surgeons/consultants is ridiculous, they dont see their kids, familys etc, always seem to be on-call, a massive amount of stress. I see them driving their supercars to work, but I personally wouldnt swap what I have for what they have.
After all the grass always seems greener on the other side :smiley:
Im here for a good time, not a long time.

The average wage in this country is around £26000 Gross, I don’t know any driver on less than that.

Here in this part of the south west you would be extremely fortunate to earn £26k, not many do.


My two younger brothers went to University and have very well paid careers. One works in Broadcasting and the other is high up in the Sony Corporation.

We often laugh about how jealous they are of me because they can see that I do a job that I enjoy and have done for twenty years.

I have two good friends who work for BAe who have excellent salaries and are bored to tears (when they are not waiting for the next batch of redundancies)

The rest of my circle of friends work for themselves and okay they earn slightly more money for shorter hours when they are working but when it goes quiet, that’s another story…

I’m mystified why anyone would be ashamed of doing a worthwhile and practical trade like driving a truck. I think if someone feels so bad about an Industry they might spend a lifetime it says more about that person than their chosen Industry.


my mrs wants me to be home more and to be honest i would like to be but it just aint happening at minute.
as for the real job quote my mrs is a teacher and earns more than i do but for 8 years was less and a lot less when just starting out.
we have a bloke who works for us that thinks trucking should be the best paid job in the world iv tried to explain to him how much training and education doctors,solicitors,surgeons etc have to go through but he thinks his job is harder.

What do your family and friends think of you HGV driving?

she said “I can’t wait for you to get a real job” :open_mouth:

This was once levelled at a mate of mine by his in laws who were property developers. He was a Fireman, so go work that one out.

Define an IT professional for me.

That would be me then. :wink:

However in the area I work in the majority of upgrades and patch applications are done at night or weekends.
Very rarely is it done Mon to Fri 9 til 5, unless it is a system down. Then you are working til it’s resolved, no matter how long. :imp:

You are being sold an image of the world and the positions of the people who inhabit it by TV producers, tabloid journalists and the advertising industry. Don’t fall for it. There is nobody who does an honest day’s work who is “just” anything. Nobody. You are letting people around you define you and what you do through their own prejudices, for whatever reasons they hold them.

There are few jobs more “real” than being charged with hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of vehicle and goods and being tasked to safely deliver them on some of the most congested roads in Europe. If you fail to do so, many people are affected. You are also responsible for the safety of an awesome amount of people during even one working day, one mistake and again, many people are affected.

Stop deriding yourself and your profession, there are enough knockers without knocking ourselves.

After all, a nation of scholars would soon starve.

Cracking post.

Family don’t mind , & know I have to disappear at a moment notice , & sometimes for a few days at a time ( and that’s when I’m visiting them :sunglasses:
Though one or two of them have mentioned tactfully …" why don’t you get a more feminine job?" , so I just laugh an tell them I’m happy , & the boss would probably disapprove if I was seen climbing into the truck with a skirt & high heels!! :open_mouth: though you can hear the pride in their voices, when you overhear their reply when asked by their friends what I do for a living :smiley:

Friends are great too , mostly driver’s so they understand , & we catch up as & when for a coffee & a natter :smiley:

I t works well all round realy, as we all respectively have our own space , and gives everyone quality time together when everyone meets up. :smiley: :smiley:


You are being sold an image of the world and the positions of the people who inhabit it by TV producers, tabloid journalists and the advertising industry. Don’t fall for it. There is nobody who does an honest day’s work who is “just” anything. Nobody. You are letting people around you define you and what you do through their own prejudices, for whatever reasons they hold them.

There are few jobs more “real” than being charged with hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of vehicle and goods and being tasked to safely deliver them on some of the most congested roads in Europe. If you fail to do so, many people are affected. You are also responsible for the safety of an awesome amount of people during even one working day, one mistake and again, many people are affected.

Stop deriding yourself and your profession, there are enough knockers without knocking ourselves.

After all, a nation of scholars would soon starve.

Cracking post.

Indeed. Brilliant.

You want respect from family and friends, your profession should have nothing to do with the amount of respect people pay you.

You’re legally entitled to time off.

The average wage in this country is around £26000 Gross, I don’t know any driver on less than that.

Do you imagine everybody in “proper jobs” get everything paid for by their employer, plus benefits? really?

Not everybody can be or wants to be a “medical practitioner” (a very loose definition and an awful lot of jobs in the medical sector are very poorly paid).

Sales directors: Look for the manager in a a series called Phone Shop.

Define an IT professional for me.

You are being sold an image of the world and the positions of the people who inhabit it by TV producers, tabloid journalists and the advertising industry. Don’t fall for it. There is nobody who does an honest day’s work who is “just” anything. Nobody. You are letting people around you define you and what you do through their own prejudices, for whatever reasons they hold them.

There are few jobs more “real” than being charged with hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of vehicle and goods and being tasked to safely deliver them on some of the most congested roads in Europe. If you fail to do so, many people are affected. You are also responsible for the safety of an awesome amount of people during even one working day, one mistake and again, many people are affected.

Stop deriding yourself and your profession, there are enough knockers without knocking ourselves.

After all, a nation of scholars would soon starve.

hit the nail on the head :slight_smile: