Fairwell to a Dear friend

I’m not very good at this sort of thing but here goes, I would just like to say good by to a dear friend who worked with Kate and my self. for those who knew him he was always fun to be around, he would laugh and joke with you, yet he was professional driver to the end. He would do anything to help others if he could. he devoted family man leaving a wife and 2 children 9 and 2 years old. He will be missed a great deal by many, I for one will miss John you where there for me last year when I needed a friend.
To JOHN HUNT who died late thursday night of a heart attack at the age of 42
Rest in peace my friend.

sorry to hear my heart goes out to his wife and 2 kids

sorry to hear about your mate dingbat. my condolences to his family, and also to you for losing a great pal…rip…pete


condolences to his family and friends

Makes you realise how short life can be…

R I P to your mate dingbat along with the others my thoughts are with his family


Its very sad to lose such a good friend, at least you’ve had the pleasure of knowing his friendship…
My heart goes out to you and his family.

A loss of another young family man… R.I.P

Yes. I didnt know what to write.

RIP and Condolences. :frowning:

42 is a very young age

As someone who celebrates his 44th birthday tomorrow,it’s at times like this,I realise how precious everyday is.

RIP to your friend,and my condolences to his family,who I’m sure are absolutely devastated. :cry:


R.I.P 42 is no age at all, condolences.


Sympathy to the family and your for losing a good mate.

Life is very fragile, I’m 61 and grateful to wake up every day.



my Condolences to John’s family and friends

42 is too young ! but I’m sure he’s left you all with plenty of happy memories

(agree with Wheelnut - don’t really know what to write)

Where did John come from as I used to work with a John Hunt who was about that age.

Where did John come from as I used to work with a John Hunt who was about that age.

John was a Bridgnorth man.

We’re a smallish famiily run outfit, where everybody was like one of the family.
Its a very difficult time for us all, John is sorely missed.

Thanks for all the messages, they will be passed onto John’s family.

I’m not very good at this sort of thing but here goes,

Hi DINGBAT, Welcome to the forums.

I’m with Wheel Nut on this, it’s very difficult to know what to write at a time like this. :frowning:
I just hope that those who knew John will rally around at this difficult time for his family.

R.I.P. John. :frowning:

My condolences also.

r.i.p …makes you wonder sometimes when we away all week and family left behind how precious family are …but at end of day we all do it for our families…
r.i.p to the sad loss of your friend…i lost my father 4 years ago to a sudden heart attack…i hope the memories can go a little to help you and the family through a horrible and sudden loss…R.I.P.

My condolences to John’s family and friends

42 is no age to die of a heart attack. Please pass condolences to family.

  1. Tragic loss to all, maybe some of us need to take stock. I’ve had a warning, maybe i need to try a lot harder. A great shame that a tragic turn of events was yr first post. Welcome to the forum, live life to the full.