Failed my class 1 for second time today



I am curious - what stopped you starting to turn right the moment the last oncoming vehicle went by?

There was another HGV 7.5 tonne oncoming turning his right on the box junction an I needed his space to get my turn in an clear the lights behind. traffic was busy in the area (Bolton)
Got to accept I just wasn’t good enough yesterday I suppose.

GOT it ta - the C1 stopped you moving for a few seconds which in turn allowed the cross flow to start

There are plenty of layouts where there is often no way that you can start a right turn until the lights have changed to stop the oncoming traffic.Especially in the case of turning front v front when the view is totally wiped out.



I am curious - what stopped you starting to turn right the moment the last oncoming vehicle went by?

There was another HGV 7.5 tonne oncoming turning his right on the box junction an I needed his space to get my turn in an clear the lights behind. traffic was busy in the area (Bolton)
Got to accept I just wasn’t good enough yesterday I suppose.

Was he there before you?

Nope I was on the junction before him. Then he creaped up to turn right across my road. No gap for me to take as I’ve a 45ft trailer on the back, big an slow. The lights changing stopping the oncoming traffic which then is my cue to go, basically get of the box junction before the next set of lights change. Clearly wasn’t good enough or quick enough.



My question to other drivers is what’s your view of this, and how many attempts did you have at doing this before you cracked it.

Zb happens i think (sorry to sound harsh) but It’s in the driving school and DVSAs interest for you to fail a few times. I passed mine 1st time & I believe that if I can do it then anybody else can!

Just nail my class 1 test… Had a good instructor who also took the time to show me the place where people get caught out on there test and what they did wrong…

+1 Learn to pass the test, that’s all you have to do.

Yes, just slow down your driving to give you thinking time and approach every set of lights thinking they are about to turn red, doesn’t matter how long you sit at a junction waiting for traffic flow to come right. What were the minor faults then?

Minors were 2 on gears.
2 on appropriate speed.
1 on move off control
1 on undue hesitation




Just nail my class 1 test… Had a good instructor who also took the time to show me the place where people get caught out on there test and what they did wrong…

I would not even enter a yellow box unless it was clear to exit the other side on a test…That’s the rules… Real life might be very different when trying to get a load delivered.

No those are not the rules, you can enter a yellow box if you’re turning right and only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic.

Sounds like the OP was unlucky.

That’s the general understanding of how a box junction works.Surely there’s nothing to lose by appealing if that’s the reason for failure. :bulb:

Nothing to win neither, you get a re test and your next examiner knows you made a complaint so he fails you too to protect his buddy, you still have to pay your 400.00 for your truck, if the chap is not ready hes not ready, simples 1 serious in a class 1 will be death in the real world. :neutral_face:

That’s a bit extreme buddy, 1 serious is death in real world, I was stuck on a box junction waiting a gap to turn right an my chance wasn’t there until the lights changed to red, giving me 30 seconds to clear the junction before the other lights change

Oh ,come on guys,buses rock.They load and unload themselves,and there are no inadequate forkies to deal with either.

Forkies use the bus to get to & from work, there’s no avoiding them:lol::lol: