surely the fail is a tad harsh? It seems it was ok to enter box as your exit was clear , so how can you be failed if someone comes along and stops your flow. It’s a random act and you were there first? I feel for you mate.
This stuff happens mate, It’s unlucky really an it’s all about what happens on the day for me, because got reverse spot on first go, couple uncouple we know isn’t hard. But these things happen. I just have to get my ego back an get that winning feeling again cause right now I give up.
surely the fail is a tad harsh? It seems it was ok to enter box as your exit was clear , so how can you be failed if someone comes along and stops your flow. It’s a random act and you were there first? I feel for you mate.
This stuff happens mate, It’s unlucky really an it’s all about what happens on the day for me, because got reverse spot on first go, couple uncouple we know isn’t hard. But these things happen. I just have to get my ego back an get that winning feeling again cause right now I give up.
If you get the chance go for an 8 am test slot. Contrary to what most people think about it being the worst time as its rush hour, I personally found it the best time. The examiners tend to choose less congested routes and if you do get stuck in queue that’s a bonus as it eats into the time so less driving round. When I passed my class 2 the examiner started out by taking me down the A47 out of Peterborough and onto the A1 at Wansford, then about 6 miles down the A1 before exiting back into Peterborough into a long queue of traffic. Perfect.
It took me 3 goes, 1st time I was nervous as ■■■■, second fail was cos I swore when some ■■■■■■■■ in a convertible misjudged an overtake (between Gala and Selkirk) and pulled in to run partly under my under my trailer 3rd time I thought I’d failed early on so thought ‘■■■■ it’ and just drove my normal way including an unscheduled emergency stop on a narrow unclassified road (just behind Sir Walter Scott’s place) which got me a compliment.
Yeah don’t give up pal, I passed on 3rd attempt I sort of gave up after failing twice left it 6 months then thought sod it one more go and passed. So don’t give up you will pass good luck : )
surely the fail is a tad harsh? It seems it was ok to enter box as your exit was clear , so how can you be failed if someone comes along and stops your flow. It’s a random act and you were there first? I feel for you mate.
If he got failed for simply being there then I agree with it being too harsh but if he tried to go when it was not clear then I agree with the examiner
It was a give way situation once correctly into the box
I am curious - what stopped you starting to turn right the moment the last oncoming vehicle went by?
There was another HGV 7.5 tonne oncoming turning his right on the box junction an I needed his space to get my turn in an clear the lights behind. traffic was busy in the area (Bolton)
Got to accept I just wasn’t good enough yesterday I suppose.
My question to other drivers is what’s your view of this, and how many attempts did you have at doing this before you cracked it.
Zb happens i think (sorry to sound harsh) but It’s in the driving school and DVSAs interest for you to fail a few times. I passed mine 1st time & I believe that if I can do it then anybody else can!
Just nail my class 1 test… Had a good instructor who also took the time to show me the place where people get caught out on there test and what they did wrong…
+1 Learn to pass the test, that’s all you have to do.
Yes, just slow down your driving to give you thinking time and approach every set of lights thinking they are about to turn red, doesn’t matter how long you sit at a junction waiting for traffic flow to come right. What were the minor faults then?
Chin up mate you will get there,
I started learning late 96 which was the last year you could take the class 1 straight off. Failed twice and the pressure was on to pass the third time before the start of 97 as from then on you had to pass the rigid test before you could take the artic test. Day of third test the weather was bad and the test got cancelled no more dates available pre 97 and despite my arguments it was decreed that I would now have to fall in line with the new rules and pass my rigid prior to taking an artic test. I was ZB fuming.
As I effectively had to start from scratch I elected to go to another test centre passed my rigid in Feb 97 and my artic in Mar 97, keep going mate you will get there.
3rd time lucky class 2, 1st time nerves, 2nd time held back a box junction when i shouldn’t of done, 3rd time ■■■■■■ it and complimented by the most feared examiner of the area!!
2nd time on class 1, 1st time, come off a roundabout, but straight after it there was a pelican crossing that changed to red as i approached, when they turned to green, i go to set off, it was uphill but was it was struggling, i thought i’d put it into 4th by mistake instead of 2nd, so stopped, into neutral and across and back to 2nd, set off and it went backwards as i’d come off the the roundabout i’d flicked the range change switch then the lights changed before i’d changed gear, so when i tried originally setting off i was in 6th
Failed my class 1 again today second time, it doesn’t half take it out of you an knock you down, cracked the reserve, uncouple/recouple Easy enough, leaving me to do the buisness on the road which I was happy with, finished test with 6 minors an 1 serious, which was getting caught on a box junction to go right, I had no gap to turn for oncoming traffic, so lights obvious change back to red, whilst I’m on the grid… Which then I take my chance an make my turn to clear the junction for the next lot of traffic to go the opposite way, this obviously wasn’t the right thing to do.
Not sure what I’ve got to do to pass, so frustrating, it’s just bad luck, just another 400 for a retest an days training.
My question to other drivers is what’s your view of this, and how many attempts did you have at doing this before you cracked it.
Thanks for taking time to read, an a reply would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Al
If it’s any consolation I failed my C 3 times, passed on the 4th go, nearly gave it all up as funds were running low and it was pushing my relationnship hard as I was spending every penny we had and more.
Worth it in the end and passed class 1 first time, just DON’T give up.
I failed my class one at first attempt. A mere 30 seconds out of the test centre!
Turned left and took it a bit tight due to a van facing me hanging over the white line waiting to turn right. Triler wheels went up on kerb. I was so focused and nervous about trying to get them back on the ground without going onto the other side of the road that I forgot to look at the road ahead. I was literally right on the white line for the roundabout when I realised. A quick look and the car at the right hand exit had its left indicator on. Thought Id got away with it till I looked in my mirror and saw two cars and a van sitting on the roundabout with “what the hell you doin ya ■■■■■■■■?” looks on their faces . Knew id failed at that point then didnt do tug test on couple/uncouple. Double oops. Passed 2nd time with only about 4 minors.
I know what you mean though,its not just the failing its the £450 required for another test. Thats the stinger. Maybe take some time away from it and come back refreshed for it. Im sure you’ll get it next time.
Just nail my class 1 test… Had a good instructor who also took the time to show me the place where people get caught out on there test and what they did wrong…
I would not even enter a yellow box unless it was clear to exit the other side on a test…That’s the rules… Real life might be very different when trying to get a load delivered.
No those are not the rules, you can enter a yellow box if you’re turning right and only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic.
Sounds like the OP was unlucky.
That’s the general understanding of how a box junction works.Surely there’s nothing to lose by appealing if that’s the reason for failure.
While doing my class one training I was told a number people on their tests had fail on a certain roundabout. This roundabout that has a set of traffic lights and a separate area with a yellow box. If the lights changed and any part of my truck on trailer was stuck on or in the yellow there were a number of examiners who would fail me. Other examiners would way up the situation and pass judgement from there. So in stort different examiners different understandings of the rules…
Just nail my class 1 test… Had a good instructor who also took the time to show me the place where people get caught out on there test and what they did wrong…
I would not even enter a yellow box unless it was clear to exit the other side on a test…That’s the rules… Real life might be very different when trying to get a load delivered.
No those are not the rules, you can enter a yellow box if you’re turning right and only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic.
Sounds like the OP was unlucky.
That’s the general understanding of how a box junction works.Surely there’s nothing to lose by appealing if that’s the reason for failure.
Nothing to win neither, you get a re test and your next examiner knows you made a complaint so he fails you too to protect his buddy, you still have to pay your 400.00 for your truck, if the chap is not ready hes not ready, simples 1 serious in a class 1 will be death in the real world.
I’m sure the only reason that I passed my class 1 was because the examiner was a bus spotter!!!
He was making chit chat and asked what I did for a job so I told him I was a bus driver (at the time) and that was that, none stop talk about buses, him talking about the things and me going zzzzzz
I’m sure the only reason that I passed my class 1 was because the examiner was a bus spotter!!!
He was making chit chat and asked what I did for a job so I told him I was a bus driver (at the time) and that was that, none stop talk about buses, him talking about the things and me going zzzzzz
Id have just passed you out of sympathy being a bus driver, rescue you from the bs:lol::lol:
I’m sure the only reason that I passed my class 1 was because the examiner was a bus spotter!!!
He was making chit chat and asked what I did for a job so I told him I was a bus driver (at the time) and that was that, none stop talk about buses, him talking about the things and me going zzzzzz
Id have just passed you out of sympathy being a bus driver, rescue you from the bs:lol::lol:
I’m sure the only reason that I passed my class 1 was because the examiner was a bus spotter!!!
He was making chit chat and asked what I did for a job so I told him I was a bus driver (at the time) and that was that, none stop talk about buses, him talking about the things and me going zzzzzz
Id have just passed you out of sympathy being a bus driver, rescue you from the bs:lol::lol:
But true
It was a zb job for me mate, I was on service buses as well