failed class2

took class 2 this morning,failed :imp: :imp: on not getting upto 50 on a dual carriageway plus 2 minors on indicateing so ■■■■■■ off got a retest on the 6th though so ill have to try harder next time. :slight_smile:

NEXT TIME = :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

failed on not getting upto 50 on a dual carriageway

How much under the safe legal speed were you?
Did you inconvenience anyone?

plus 2 minors on indicateing

That’s not too worrying and easy to rectify

stuck it at about 40 and traffic had to come around me.

stuck it at about 40 and traffic had to come around me.

Oh dear :exclamation: :unamused: - I think that is a good call by the examiner - do you agree :question:

bit of a shame though as only 2 other minors were got - In such cases the examiners at Weedon used to ask - “What is the current speed limit for your vehicle?” to see if the driver realised their error and put it right especially if the general drive was good as yours seems to have been…

Should of known better shouldnt i,just hope i get it better next time certainly wont make that mistake again.

Should of known better shouldnt i,just hope i get it better next time certainly wont make that mistake again.

OK, you should have known better and it was a kick up the backside not to do it again but what if the examiner had given you a little ‘comment’ after a minute of doing it - do you think you would have put it right at the time :question:

I’m thinking a little comment such as - “the other traffic seems to be progressing well”

Should of known better shouldnt i,just hope i get it better next time certainly wont make that mistake again.

sorry to here mate but as there say better luck next time just don’t be to overcautious on you speed :slight_smile:

Try my simple motto: drive as fast as you can - - safely and legally. Do that and you’ll have no probs. Better luck next time. :laughing:

when you know you have made a mistake, sometimes cool to say, something.

example - on my test i went round a round about, when it came to the signal part, i flicked it on before i looked in the mirror, only just before i looked, but was enough, i knew straight away id done it, and knew he had seen, they dont miss a trick. So i just said, dam, got in a bit quick there with signal before i looked, he just smiled and said ok. he never marked it down.

just my way, if iv done something wrong i always say so. so not sure if helps or not on the test, but at least the guy knows you know you did it wrong, and not what should have been done.

I know how you feel, I got it on the second time. :smiley: