Failed class 2 again...

went to pot on the 3rd test hit a cone on reverse made a ■■■■■■ right hash of it!,
skip to the 25th, 1:30pm test,
get to test centre swynnerton, phils cleaning the mirrors and windows etc., says im just going to nip to the loo,
back her up and draw in through the middle gate. so I jump in and go for the reverse… nothing… so im raunging it about like a mad man, 5 mins later phil comes back effin and jeffin " what the bloody hell u doing your test is in 2mins" I cant get the funking thing in reverse pal, “get out let me have a go you pansy”
ok I said, he jumps in to find the issue is an issue and that it wont go past the reverse gate!
he takes it round the block quick to see if he can free up the syncro’s nothing!
so with two hands and a knee I managed to get it in,
“ok pal your gonna have to risk it” he said

so I go onto the test reverse first,
struggled with the gear but got it to go eventually! nailed the reverse no shunt dint even get out of the cab!
happy days!
went on the road 5 minors one for a little “brush on a curb” but sailed through!
so oct 4th until nov 25th and the best part of 2g down I have eventually managed to successfully obtain my class 2 / c!

so happy over the moon thanks for all the encouragement guys!
CPC next then ill see u on the road!
thanks again Crunch463!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiling_imp:

Congratulations, you earned it. Onwards and upwards.

Well done buddy!! :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley:

thanks guys
cheers rog! never thought I would see the day ha

well done crunch.

thanks yas!