Eyeball lucy twice

Saw lucy a34 at tot hill on wednesday and again on the a19 today near thirsk.i waved on the second occasional but i dont think she saw me.
Oh well :cry:

I spoke to a CShips driver today tipping out in Scandinavian Designs in Penallta and told him to say hi from me (didnt ask his name ,im crap like that)
Oh and guess what he knows lucy and he knows or knew of Rikki but he didnt know about Tnet :confused: are you keeping it a secret from your lot lucy? (sorry if you are the cats out the bag i gave him the web addy)

… the cats out the bag…

Grab yer passport Reef, you’ve probably got a long journey ahead of you :wink: You may be some time…

Guilty times two Bikemonkey. Flash more next time. :grimacing:

Reef, we’re a small firm and most people are used to being collared by people after me, especially the Stralis drivers. As for the website, most of them also have lives… :blush: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Guilty times two Bikemonkey. Flash more next time. :grimacing:

I always look to see if its you first and its usually too late.yesterday on the A19 I’d already flashed a stralis and it was some old bloke so was a bit cautious when I saw yours coming up the road :blush: :laughing:

From now on I’ll just flash em all,■■■■ it :laughing: :laughing: