Eyeball Jammymutt?

I am certain it was you today.

You was on the A1 just passed Stamford Roundabout heading north.I overtook you then i pulled in for fuel and overtook you again a bit later on i flashed my hazards at you when i pulled back in, i was in a blue 7.5 tonner with Hills Office Supplies on it.

You should have put your foglights on and left them on, he would remember you then. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

You should have put your foglights on and left them on, he would remember you then. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I should have drove at 54 mph :laughing: :laughing: and speeded up when he tried to overtake me. :laughing: :laughing:

Just to had that this was this morning at about 10 - 10.30 am

Eyeball Jammy on Tuesday M25 a/c between J28 - 29 late morning?

Yes BM it was me I distinctly remember your vehicle as well.

Yes 8 Wheels that was me too.

im doing the same runs again next week so will probably be at the same places about the same times. :wink: