Eye ball kitkat

alright kitkat

i saw you in your big yellow machine at about 1400 today on the a92 driving thru freuchie .

i was in my car but if i was in my truck i would have given you a flash



Sorry milkman it was not me mate.Yes it could possibly be my truck m8,but surprised it’s still out on a saturday at 2pm.Must have been on route fae dundee/perth to be doing a drop in fife.I leave the kitkat sign on the windscreen, also i’m on holiday for the next week.

Sorry milkman it was not me mate.Yes it could possibly be my truck m8,but surprised it’s still out on a saturday at 2pm.Must have been on route fae dundee/perth to be doing a drop in fife.I leave the kitkat sign on the windscreen, also i’m on holiday for the next week.

whadya mean holiday for next week? your on a permanent holiday! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry milkman it was not me mate.Yes it could possibly be my truck m8,but surprised it’s still out on a saturday at 2pm.Must have been on route fae dundee/perth to be doing a drop in fife.I leave the kitkat sign on the windscreen, also i’m on holiday for the next week.

Sorry milkman,As i was off yesterday ( friday) i answered this thread like it was a saturday.The vehicle would be mine as said i leave the kk sign in it,so it most probably would have been yet another agency driver. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

whadya mean holiday for next week? your on a permanent holiday!

oi who asked for your imput :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: So your still about jb,thought you got lost over the water,ain’t seen you on here for a while.How’s the job going so far :question: .