External Transport Manager

I am trying to find out how many External Transport Managers there are in the UK. I have made a (so far) unsuccessful request under the FOI. If you are an External Transport Manager, please may I ask you to send to me a PM (private message) with an indication of region. I am just interested to know what the ratio is of external to internal. Thanks in advance.

I thought that I’d already read a reply to this topic. It’s completely stupid.

if you get 50 replies, could you extrapolate that figure to work out the figures you seek from the FOI request?

We are an exposed and vulnerable breed. We are not protected by employment law or by being Ltd Co.s or having a union/association. We sign up to have effective and continuous control which is difficult. We are viewed by the authorities as acting in name only. We have to pass a substantial exam. I was wondering whether There are just a handful of us or are we a significant part of this industry.
I have reposted this post on the drivers forum