Hi all,
I’m looking at offering services as an External TM - could anybody advise where would be best to advertise myself please? is Commercial Motor the best place to start?
Hi all,
I’m looking at offering services as an External TM - could anybody advise where would be best to advertise myself please? is Commercial Motor the best place to start?
ideally you need to be in same area as operator your tm for so flyer in nearest truckstops etc might be cheaper to get going, just beCAREFUL I know people who have 'used ’ outside tm’s and used it as a licence to run round the clock and blame the tm when vosa get 'em , you then lose your good repute and things don’t end nice good look pal ive been asked by a mate to do it few times but he thinks all trucks come fitted as standard with a magnet now so a polite XXXk off usually means we don’t speak for a week or 2
Hi, we are looking for a transport manager to run 3 units and trailers out of the Tipton area in Birmingham if you are interested. Message me for details.Tracey
I guess you could pay and advertise here.
I imagine Rikki will be along shortly to shut this thread down and advise you on how you can pay them for using the service.
I would say that Commercial Motor is your best bet, but am obviously biased if you need contact details then PM me. to stop this thread turning into an advert
it is locked