i quite often do abnormal load work. when it’s wide it has markers. when it has overhang it has markers. sometimes i have flashing beacons on.
when i have a trailer that is stretched out, but with no overhang, does it need markers and/or flashing beacons on?
i would normally have the beacons on anyway, but is it a legal requirement?
good question, i believe if theres no overhang of the load on the rear end all you actually require is the long vehicle warning sign and the beacon is optional but i could be wrong, the ones i’ve done in the past i’ve just stuck the beacon on anyway.
Might help…
iirc anything above 65 foot yes you do will have a root n see if i can find the deatils
and as a personal rule if i have an extended trailer i stick a beacon on the back in the vague hope that the numpties will notice the extra bit
More than 1 metre overhang measured from the marker light on the trailer, it needs a marker board during daylight and an orange or red marker during lighting up time. Flashing beacons aren’t required, as I remember, unless you are travelling as STGO 2 or 3 with an oversize load. One thing we had problems with is with an extended trailer, bearing in mind that you can travel at 18.5m rigid, where is the measuring point for the rigid length, is it the headboard (1 school of thought) or the pin (second school) . Fortunately never had to argue the toss with VOSA
the reason i put this topic on here, was because one of our lads who hasn’t done abnormal load work before, refused to take a trailer that was 60’ long from the docks and into manchester.
his reason was, he didn’t have flashing beacons on his unit, or one to stick on the arse end.
i always have a beacon, and markers. so i’ve never given it a second thought, just slap them on and get going.
so when the question came up, i got my book out, and all it said about was, markers for overhang, and when a second man is required. no mention of a flashing ■■■ anywhere.
you only need beacons or marker lights if the load is overhanging and it’s dark. during daylight, marker boards or tape will do. i’ve done long loads (up to 60ft) and very rarely use a beacon. a good blast on the horn keeps the idiots out of the way!
you only need beacons or marker lights if the load is overhanging and it’s dark. during daylight, marker boards or tape will do. i’ve done long loads (up to 60ft) and very rarely use a beacon. a good blast on the horn keeps the idiots out of the way!
i’ve found legislation regarding marker lights, but absolutely nothing regarding beacons.
the legislaion appears to say if it overhangs, then it needs marker boards and maybe marker lights, depending on how much overhang there is.
funny though. this must be the only time us lorry drivers do something, without it actually being some sort of EU legislation.
tie a hi-viz to the arse end
mark h:
tie a hi-viz to the arse end
funny you should say that. i pulled into birkenhead docks a few years ago with a 60 footer, which had some overhang. they asked me to put on my hi-viz. i said “hang on, i’ll get it” so i legged it to the back of the trailer. it was the only one i had.
the bloke behind me thought it was hilarious.
mark h:
tie a hi-viz to the arse endfunny you should say that. i pulled into birkenhead docks a few years ago with a 60 footer, which had some overhang. they asked me to put on my hi-viz. i said “hang on, i’ll get it” so i legged it to the back of the trailer. it was the only one i had.
the bloke behind me thought it was hilarious.
they can be funny barstewerds in there some days
went for a trailer on friday, pin number was last number out (was a 6 i had an 8 down), im in there every morning for a trailer they know who i am etc, i knew the trailer number i wanted yet they wouldnt give me it ?
but it happened another time and they gave me it must av been 1 of them days
you must use lights to mark the extremities if the load is to be moved during the hours of darkness. a beacon can be used instead as long as it illuminates the whole load.if you’re carrying a load with no overhang, then the trailer lights mark the extremities and you’re legal. marker boards, triangles, lights or stripey tape all appear to be invisible to other road users whereas a beacon is like a magic, protecting amulet
i tried taping my hi-vis vest to a load once… my tight-wad boss wouldn’t give me another and made me go and fetch it :shock luckily it was a local delivery
I am probably out of date, (and if I am I am sure JJ will be along to put me straight) But my recollection is there is no requirement under the traffic acts for amber beacons at all unless the vehicle is unable to exceed 25 miles an hour.
Local police forces may insist that while within their area beacons are used as a condition of approving the movement order, West Midlands used to do this, insisting on beacons within a set distance of the outer edges of the load, and then only allowing movement at night. which upset every other road user as you blinded them.
Loads under 18.65 metres are not considered abnormal loads, do not require a movement order and are moved under Construction and Use regulations.
Interesting fact here (or boring, take your choice)
The company I worked for had a variety of long trailers, including 70 foot, 80 foot and 100 foot long flats (not extenders, flat platform trailers) Quite legal under construction and use regulations and when empty did not need a movement order or second man in attendence…
due to lack of thought when drawing up the regulations, it all applies to the load , a 30 metre load is abnormal but a 30 metre empty trailer isnt …
However I am well out of the loop with current STGO regs so that particular little gem may have been closed
More than 1 metre overhang measured from the marker light on the trailer, it needs a marker board during daylight and an orange or red marker during lighting up time. Flashing beacons aren’t required, as I remember, unless you are travelling as STGO 2 or 3 with an oversize load. One thing we had problems with is with an extended trailer, bearing in mind that you can travel at 18.5m rigid, where is the measuring point for the rigid length, is it the headboard (1 school of thought) or the pin (second school) . Fortunately never had to argue the toss with VOSA
I’va argued the toss with vosa on a 60 ft load with 5ft of it overhanging, didn’t have abeacon on, they pulled me for being overlength, so we gets out the vosa guy well kid really barely looked if he had shaved yet! well asked me to hold the end of the tape measure so I did on the headboard so he tells me to hold it on the front bumper of the unit, now the argument ensues I argue it the load he has to measure he’ adament it’s the whole lot, so off he goes to consult his book, comes back your right driver ( no flippin apology) asks me why I have 5 ft over hang well you mr vosa I wouldn’t have been able to get the thing out of the place I loaded it as it involved a 180 degree turn to get out once i was out ther shed, so now he wants to gb9 me, so he now phones the wiltshire police ( we’re on the M4 heading for London) so i’m earwigin this chat the police ask where i’ve come from so I tell em port talbot wales, police tell vosa if he’s made it that far without causing mayhem let him carry on, (RESULT POLICE ON MY SIDE) just had to make the overhang more visible so tied my hi vis to it and of I toddled didn’t mention a beacon but advised me it would be better.
no matter what size over hang or length i always put makers and beacons on even in the day time.but even with all this on the bloody car drives still take no notice and never give u the room u need to get round abouts or turning out of side streets or even backing in places.they see a gap and go for it and will never wait till u have finished.
i sya make up and fit flashing beacons at all times just to be on the safe side.
no matter what size over hang or length i always put makers and beacons on even in the day time.but even with all this on the bloody car drives still take no notice and never give u the room u need to get round abouts or turning out of side streets or even backing in places.they see a gap and go for it and will never wait till u have finished.
i sya make up and fit flashing beacons at all times just to be on the safe side.
and there lies the problem, every tom ■■■■ and harry sticking orange flashing lights on there trailers an trucks for absolutely no reason at all {a 60ft trailer isnt long and 3.0mtrs isnt wide} so the car drivers are so used to seeing them they simply dont take any notice any more, now if vehicles that really needed them were the only ones to have them fitted then it may be a different story, nothing ■■■■■■ me off more than being sat behind some div with his trailer opened up 1 hole or with 3 ft over the back who feels he has to have a “look at me” flashing light on the back and you have to sit behind him doing 56 on the motorway with that thing blinding you
seriously whats wrong with a single red lamp at the back?
no matter what size over hang or length i always put makers and beacons on even in the day time.but even with all this on the bloody car drives still take no notice and never give u the room u need to get round abouts or turning out of side streets or even backing in places.they see a gap and go for it and will never wait till u have finished.
i sya make up and fit flashing beacons at all times just to be on the safe side.and there lies the problem, every tom ■■■■ and harry sticking orange flashing lights on there trailers an trucks for absolutely no reason at all {a 60ft trailer isnt long and 3.0mtrs isnt wide} so the car drivers are so used to seeing them they simply dont take any notice any more, now if vehicles that really needed them were the only ones to have them fitted then it may be a different story, nothing ■■■■■■ me off more than being sat behind some div with his trailer opened up 1 hole or with 3 ft over the back who feels he has to have a “look at me” flashing light on the back and you have to sit behind him doing 56 on the motorway with that thing blinding you
seriously whats wrong with a single red lamp at the back?
3.0 metres wide is abnormal, and it needs beacons, and markers in my book. but 3ft overhang from the back isn’t an abnormal load. if the trailer is open by 1 hole, then it’s long and needs beacons.
there is no “look at me, look at me” with me. but i do drive safely. maybe not always legally,
but safely.
oi limey was you on the a34 yesterday ■■? n does your reg start with n ■■?
oi limey was you on the a34 yesterday ■■? n does your reg start with n ■■?
not me mate, i was at donington.
More than 1 metre overhang measured from the marker light on the trailer, it needs a marker board during daylight and an orange or red marker during lighting up time. Flashing beacons aren’t required, as I remember, unless you are travelling as STGO 2 or 3 with an oversize load. One thing we had problems with is with an extended trailer, bearing in mind that you can travel at 18.5m rigid, where is the measuring point for the rigid length, is it the headboard (1 school of thought) or the pin (second school) . Fortunately never had to argue the toss with VOSAso we gets out the vosa guy well kid really barely looked if he had shaved yet!
I know someone from VOSA who hardly shaves yet