Explain please

I sometimes go for 2 0r 3 hours without needing to pee, but sometimes I hardly manage 20 minutes I have been checked out by my doctor before anyone starts.I often have to stop switch engine off and pee.I often drive a bus and the passengers all tut tut.but zb them. :smiley:

I was once stuck in heavy traffic in the middle of Gosforth (it was a very long time ago before the western bypass) I was absolutely desperate for a dump, so I had this brain wave, I climbed into the trailer and had a dump on the coal, thought it would be nice and private, but when I was climbing back out I could see two punters watching me from an upstairs window.

Bluey Circles:
I was once stuck in heavy traffic in the middle of Gosforth (it was a very long time ago before the western bypass) I was absolutely desperate for a dump, so I had this brain wave, I climbed into the trailer and had a dump on the coal, thought it would be nice and private, but when I was climbing back out I could see two punters watching me from an upstairs window.

funny you should say that… :confused:

My be Agency Driver

My be Agency Driver

Or more likely a foreigner.


My be Agency Driver

Or more likely a foreigner.

Gawd forbid if he’s a professional truck driver :unamused:



My be Agency Driver

Or more likely a foreigner.

Gawd forbid if he’s a professional truck driver :unamused:

what? for pishing on his wheel. It could be more professional than you may be giving credit for. judging from the steam you can assess how cooked the brakes are . modern day drivers seem to forget the importance of looking after their brakes.

Punchy Dan:
I had a unplanned night out once in SHB volvo Fl6 4by4 .

unplanned night out one of my all time favourite threads!!

IIRC there is some legal concession for peeing, commercial drivers. Normally peeing in a public place is a misdemeanour or contravenes by-laws(committing a public nuisance). Drivers are allowed to pee against the rear nearside wheel (as long as it doesn’t startle the horse) if there is no nearby public convenience. Anyway yous should be tolerant of us poor old guys with Dickie legs and wooden bladders.

Revoked, the exemption was for horse drawn Hackney carrage drivers of yesture year. Who where allowed to pee on the wheel and remain in control of the vehicle by hold onto the reins whilst doing so

Great stuff! Why has no one yet mentioned shielding the eyes of the children?


Punchy Dan:

Having a 45 at Hopwood services, bloke pull up in a C1+E with SHB on the door. Gets out pi$$es up his wheel and then walks off toward the Services. Discuss.

I am not defending the bloke here but when you get up for a pee on a night out on the services or truckstop what do you do ?

■■■■ in a bottle then chuck it out the window

I do hope you would be checking for cyclists before such an action

Bluey Circles:


Punchy Dan:

Having a 45 at Hopwood services, bloke pull up in a C1+E with SHB on the door. Gets out pi$$es up his wheel and then walks off toward the Services. Discuss.

I am not defending the bloke here but when you get up for a pee on a night out on the services or truckstop what do you do ?

■■■■ in a bottle then chuck it out the window

I do hope you would be checking for cyclists before such an action

To make sure you get them?

Great stuff! Why has no one yet mentioned shielding the eyes of the children?

if they get splashed,then itl only sting for 5 mins… :wink:


Having a 45 at Hopwood services, bloke pull up in a C1+E with SHB on the door. Gets out pi$$es up his wheel and then walks off toward the Services. Discuss.

So what’s wrong with that??

My thoughts too , He probably was just a good old country boy . Us country lads prefer ■■■■■■■ outside .

Fair play to him ,at least he went the services after to wash his hands
unlike a lot who ■■■■ in toilets and walk straight out touching door handles

Fair play to him ,at least he went the services after to wash his hands
unlike a lot who ■■■■ in toilets and walk straight out touching door handles

Why would you need to wash your hands if you are just taking a pish ? may be its a unique life skill that I possess but i manage to take one with out getting wet hands.

If my hands are covered in oil and grease I sometimes wash them before, but never bother afterwards, don’t see the purpose. And I never touch anything in a public toilet, use my elbows or feet to open doors or flush bogs.

James the cat:
I get annoyed seeing kids going by the side of the road being dangled by their parents in full view. I know they can’t hold it but geez. It just annoys me. I’m not a kid person. I know it shouldn’t annoy me but it does.

Maybe because the word has turned so pro kid you can’t whistle a tune these days without being interrupted or kicked off a seat by some posho and her sticky fingered little napoleons.

Illogical rant over.

Saw an Asian guy stop his Beemer on the M40 a few days back, in full view he emptied his bladder up a blue sign.

Which read “Services 1m”


James the cat:
I get annoyed seeing kids going by the side of the road being dangled by their parents in full view. I know they can’t hold it but geez. It just annoys me. I’m not a kid person. I know it shouldn’t annoy me but it does.

Maybe because the word has turned so pro kid you can’t whistle a tune these days without being interrupted or kicked off a seat by some posho and her sticky fingered little napoleons.

Illogical rant over.

Saw an Asian guy stop his Beemer on the M40 a few days back, in full view he emptied his bladder up a blue sign.

Which read “Services 1m”

and i supose youve never been dying for a ■■■■
did you want him to speed like alex ferguson did once

There is always one who can’t park in the bays and has to park like a ■■■, in Birchanger earlier right by the turning circle :unamused: :unamused:
Oh and the ■■■■ stench on the lorry park takes your breath away :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: