Experiences of Canadian winters

What are your thoughts or experiences,is this your first winter ? Have known colder ones,2009 when we had -30 and below for six weeks,but the last few days have been a tad chilly,Spent a few hours outside today at a balmy -44 with windchill,first time this season that I wore my terrorist balaclava,at least the sun was shining.
Anybody on here from the centre of the universe,get your shovels ready,could be the worst storm for 40 years. stay safe.

I love winter… Bring on the cold, bring on the snow… Bring on the ‘being shaken to bits and hearing the ice creak’!!

60-60-60 :smiley:

60-60-60 :smiley:

With vital statistics like those I dont think you should brag about them on an open forum :blush:

I love winter… Bring on the cold, bring on the snow… Bring on the ‘being shaken to bits and hearing the ice creak’!!

Just wait untill you are in the office getting the 'Cold shoulder" from your drivers, you might have achange of heart then about the cold. :laughing: :laughing:

hahahaha north of 60 60 below 60mph winds

my right now 36 CCC 29 36

-45c with windchill loading at a farm /elevator near meadow lake sk ,box van loaded by a belt inside the trailor, shooting bags of grain into position by guy next to belt …the guys could only do 10min shifts before going inside to warm up.
…Was in edmonton (acheson)09 waiting for backload when it hit -50 and they said it was coldest place on earth …but was toasty in cab /at the husky.

hahahaha north of 60 60 below 60mph winds

my right now 36 CCC 29 36

You wish :laughing: :laughing:
your 60-60-60- post made only sense to you and may be a handful of other people on this planet :laughing: , but if you have to brag about 60-60-60 then enjoy your moment of glory :astonished:

You wish

Sorry but whatever info you have been given is defective, my regular measurements are 36CC, 26, 36 they have been for years, and I have closets and dressers full of clothes and dresses to prove it.

I hauled drilling rigs in Alaska years ago thats why I have the marks on the left side of my face, froze I as only outside for like 10 min tops.


You wish

Sorry but whatever info you have been given is defective, my regular measurements are 36CC, 26, 36 they have been for years, and I have closets and dressers full of clothes and dresses to prove it.

I hauled drilling rigs in Alaska years ago thats why I have the marks on the left side of my face, froze I as only outside for like 10 min tops.

We’ve only got your word for this :laughing:
How can info be defective,■■? incorrect may be, not that I was given any info working or otherwise. :stuck_out_tongue:

-45c with windchill loading at a farm /elevator near meadow lake sk ,box van loaded by a belt inside the trailor, shooting bags of grain into position by guy next to belt …the guys could only do 10min shifts before going inside to warm up.
…Was in edmonton (acheson)09 waiting for backload when it hit -50 and they said it was coldest place on earth …but was toasty in cab /at the husky.

I was in Edmonton Old Strathcona visiting the kids in December 2009. The announcer on the TV news was saying Edmonton and some place in Siberia were alternating with each other as the coldest places on earth.
It was -42 before wind chill at that time. I was out in it walking but wrapped up tight. My specs froze over, and the hairs in my nose froze even breathing through a scarf. Funnily enough the cold didn’t bother me. The bright blue sky was glorious and with all the UV reflected from the snow my specs turned darker than I have ever known them to.

Here everything is grey and damp.

I am in Winnipeg want to check my clothing sizes your welcome to go crazy.

I am in Winnipeg want to check my clothing sizes your welcome to go crazy.

its to frickin cold and windy out, so no

Psssst, Brentanna, nobody give a flying zb what size you are.
You’re just one of the boys now, we’re all sizes here, mainly big sizes though, LOL.
Don’t get your ■■■■■■■ twisted, I know you’re a girl. :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :blush: :grimacing:

flat to the mat:
What are your thoughts or experiences,is this your first winter ? Have known colder ones,2009 when we had -30 and below for six weeks,but the last few days have been a tad chilly,Spent a few hours outside today at a balmy -44 with windchill,first time this season that I wore my terrorist balaclava,at least the sun was shining.
Anybody on here from the centre of the universe,get your shovels ready,could be the worst storm for 40 years. stay safe.

The winter of 2007/2008 was the coldest I have ever seen although we have had more snow this year. 2007/2008 we had temps of -50 below with windchill and there were a lot of days where the schools were closed.
We are now struggling for places to pile the snow this year :imp:

Yeah same here Dave,borrowed a mates Bobcat to clear my driveway and pushed it 100m down the road where it can stay.Much as we get used to winter it’s about 2 months too long for us,roll on spring.

Bugger that… Gimme winter!!!

The winters don’t bother me much, I spend as much time as possible as far south as I can get :sunglasses:

My plan went slightly the shape of the pear this trip though, I managed to get myself involved in the big storm they’re having in the Mid West, I got my truck through it without incident, unfortunately the tossers at the delivery couldn’t get out of their drives so the place was closed today, even though they promised me they’d be there today when I phoned them to make sure before I set off yesterday :unamused:

In Canada the coldest I’ve seen is -45c without the wind chill, my air dryer froze up, split and as the air dropped all my brakes jammed on just as I had my drives on the Emerson DOT scale :blush: By the time the fitter got there I was dressed in my outdoor stuff and in bed as the fan had kicked in due to low air pressure and I couldn’t get any heat from the engine, I had the right clothes luckily, as at that temperature it would get serious pretty quickly :open_mouth:

Bugger that… Gimme winter!!!

Sorry Rob but fun on the skidoo can’t compare with warmth,horse riding,convertibles,boats and bbqs.Still barbie now but relaxing on the deck during and afterwards just ain’t the same :slight_smile:

Forgot to mention,really enjoy cutting the lawns,sad eh ?

And what is to stop you doing any of those things now… except for frostbite and death…? :wink:

As for cutting the grass… Don’t get all weird on me now… :laughing: :laughing: