
As WheelNut said very early in this thread, there are thousands of threads on here and nearly every question that gets asked has been asked before … ie I am positive this subject has been raised in the last year too!!
I am one of those ‘old ■■■■■’ that meanders around without a care in the world and whilst I have never refused to help someone either by actions or words, it is very galling when a new boy walks into the yard, all of 25 yrs old and proceeds to tell everyone what he has done and hasn’t done. This type of guy will never get any help from me.
An example would be Thetaff … he came off general nearly three years ago and over to fridges. He told a few of us he knew nothing about them but because he never failed to ask if he didn’t know, he got all the help in the world from a small group of us. We have guided him into drops in Barcelona and Madrid (all through the internet), he has been given advice on the procedures to take when abroad etc etc. Never once has Taff given it the big ‘I am’ and he has always LISTENED to what he has been told. He is now a guy that I would recommend to any boss. Thats something a lot of ‘newbies’ seem to have a problem with, listening!!
I have always told any new driver … never be ashamed to ask, you’ll get a lot more respect by asking than screwing up because you never asked.

I am now going to put my tin hat on and say that the worst drivers for sitting there laughing and tutting are the big fleet drivers. They are so mollycoddled that they forget they were new once. Some people have only worked for the big fleets (I mean the likes of supermarket drivers and Stobarts here by big fleet) and don’t know what it is like to have to think for themselves. They have never been stuck out in the middle of nowhere with a busted susie. All they ever do is ring the office if they break down or pull round to the VMU if it needs oil.
You’ll find it is always the older guys that help simply because we have all been there ourselves. I can still remember the first time I ever went abroad …I didn’t stop trembling til I got back into the UK (or was that because of the poxy motor I was in LOL)
Only earlier this year, I ripped the arse out of a Fowler Welch driver for sitting in his cab at Morrisons, Thrapston and laughing as a Pedro was trying to blindside it onto No1 bay. It took me all of a minute to get out the cab and guide the bloke onto the bay for which he was very grateful.
But then there was something earlier this year that I learned … I cannot remember what it was but I remember saying at the time ‘Well, I never knew that’

I’m one of them Bigfleet boys and i’m like a Yorkshire man-you can tell them but you can’t tell them much :grimacing: We all should help others if possible and most of those that don’t are usually chasing their TAIL all week to help anybody,and i’m too clever for me own good :wink:

You old boys do drive a bit slow on the Motorways though :unamused: and the same speed on all routes off the Motorway :grimacing:

You old boys do drive a bit slow on the Motorways though :unamused: and the same speed on all routes off the Motorway :grimacing:

LOL Saucy git!!! I always pop along at the same speed, Dessy whether tis motorway or A road … whatever the limiter will let me get away with LOL

You will only learn something new if you want to. If you already know it all, you will learn nothing.


You old boys do drive a bit slow on the Motorways though :unamused: and the same speed on all routes off the Motorway :grimacing:

LOL Saucy git!!! I always pop along at the same speed, Dessy whether tis motorway or A road … whatever the limiter will let me get away with LOL

See i was right!!! :laughing: