Experience /Atitude

Aplied fo a job driving an artic i passed my 1 last august and have driven them since as holday cover ect the guy rang me today and said he liked my atidude for the job but thoungt i hadent the exprience he was looking for fair enough i understand that but then he added that he hoped he hadent made an eror as he really wasent sure about the guy he took on as he didnt think his atitude was great but he had been driving for years but had a long list of jobs so whats more importent atidude and willingness or or experience ?

Sorry to hear that bjd :cry:

Experience is a very useful asset, no doubt about that, but someone doing the job for years doesn’t necessarily have the right kind of experience, someone could have 40yrs under their belt, 40yrs of being late, going on the sick, smashing motors up and generally making a pigs ear of things, put that up against a newbie with the right attitude and you’d be a fool to let the newbie go.

I’ve had personal experience of hiring drivers, both as a manager and as a company owner, for me attitude and personality are the most important factors, even a bloke with all the right experience may not be the best thing, his personality may not gel with the existing employees so it could cause trouble down the road.

My advice to you is to stay in touch with this firm, the bloke was good enough to ring you and explain things, if it doesn’t work out with the new bloke, then you may be back behind your old steering wheel again :wink:

yeh i have no problem with his choice new i just said well you have my number so yer never no ill just keep knocking on doors i have been concidering go back to heavy recovery done that for a while in a freitliner rig its just the call outs that put me off that something will turn up tomorrows another day a

Sorry to hear that you didn’t get the job you wanted. I was lucky many years ago and got a tanker driving job with only 10 months HGV experience. I think I got the job because of my attitude, but I have to admit that my inexperience did show and I did make mistakes. Nothing too serious, but sometimes the difference between a mistake resutling in an insignificant incident and one that ends up a near total balls up can be small.

At the end of the day, you’ve got to get experience somehow, and have to hope that an employer will ‘take a chance’ on the lesser experienced driver. I would like to think that I would employ on attitude, but I know the risk of employing an inexperienced driver can be a major concern, so I can see both sides of the coin.

i think thats what you call catch 22 but all you can do is keep knocking on doors till someone answers

I reckon the bloke will be contacting you again,if he’s already having second thoughts over his choice of driver it won’t take much to confirm his feelings.Hang on in there and keep a positive frame of mind.You can’t magic experience out of thin air,so don’t beat yourself up about it.