Exactly why unions are useless! underground drivers strike


so they have voted to strike after a mate/colleague was sacked for failing 2 breath tests? how stupid.

would you back someone similar I know I wouldn’t and I know a few sites now where the trucks have the breath in to start it on a morning thing in cabs.

embarrassing if you ask me.

why was the police not called?

why was the police not called?

what for?

D-ya not?:

why was the police not called?

what for?

for being over the limit on 2 seperate occasions


D-ya not?:

why was the police not called?

what for?

for being over the limit on 2 seperate occasions

Did he commit a crime?

trying to drive a vehicle which carries about 500 passengers ( drink driving? )

Yeah unions are useless that’s why underground tube drivers are on circa 40k

Think you’re forgetting how strike action works, a motion is put to the union by the workforce. They then set up a official vote on any action and the employees vote on it.

So if you should have issue with anyone it should be the co-workers the alkey.

trying to drive a vehicle which carries about 500 passengers ( drink driving? )

So he was drink driving?

The rail unions are very happy to scream H&S when it suits them, which it appears not to on this occasion.

As for 500 passengers per train, it feels more like 500 per carriage if you happen to get on at Kings Cross in the middle of the morning rush.

Underground management statement today:

"RMT members have sent a clear message to their leadership that they don’t support indefensible strike action on this issue.
“Less than a quarter of those eligible to vote for strike action did so.”

If true, this is the old issue of only the militant taking the trouble to attend union branch meetings and vote.
Most union members have better things to do with their spare time. (I have been a union member,suffered the tedium of branch meetings, also have experience of negotiations on wages/conditions).

This is why there are proposals for at least a majority of members to vote in favour for strikes to be legal (the last lot of teachers’ strikes were also on the basis of a small minority voting).

I don’t know if they are useless or not but they are standing up for him by saying the test he had done was wrong, if they had done the right test things may not have got this far. Without the union LU could do what they want just like haulage companies do to drivers.

For the post that said they earn £40000 think it’s nearer £50000 and that’s for a 35 hour week not 80 like truck drivers and don’t they get something like £1000 to work boxing day which is all down to the union.

I’ve heard a few bits on the radio as has been said only around 600 bothered to vote and it was pretty close.

Surely this should go before a tribunal before any strike as the rmt have said he’s failed due to the side effects of a prescription medication the driver has to take and had declared to the company.

On the whole the RMT do a good job for the members so I’d like to reserve judgement on it until I know more