Ex-pat forum, Go Look

Guess who’s back :unamused:

Here we go again,round one.

Luckily he is on my blocked list so I can’t see his dribble :smiley:

Hi Pat,is the guy for real,or is it a wind up?i must admit the posts are very amusing,the amount of response he gets is quite funny,i am a sad old git,i know.

Pat, how do you ‘block’ someone??

I’m still toying with emigrating in years to come, but I just CANNOT BE ARSED with his depressing - suicidal drivel!! :imp: :imp: :imp:

Pat, how do you ‘block’ someone??

I’m still toying with emigrating in years to come, but I just CANNOT BE ARSED with his depressing - suicidal drivel!! :imp: :imp: :imp:

Click on the posters name, then you’ll see “add friend” or “add foe” click on “add foe”, confirm it, and hey-presto! No more drivel (at least not from that person :wink: ) I have no idea what happens if you click on “add friend” as I do not play well with others :smiling_imp:

Thanks Sarge :wink:

Off to… ‘click him off’…