Ex military only?

I don’t like to talk about my military career, not even to Jewson’s drivers !!

Then again I was a pen pusher, desk jockey and a paper shuffler for a job :smiley:

I suppose they like people to be punctual, reliable, and well presented.

And they don’t mind paying out for the damage they do.

I suppose they like people to be punctual, reliable, and well presented.

And they don’t mind paying out for the damage they do.

You mean ex military are paying for Iraq? :open_mouth: No wonder they need jobs. :laughing:

You can’t really class the RAF as military !!!

More like the militant wing of the Salvation Army!!! :laughing:

Heard of a company in the north of England currently taking on ex military as they being paid to take on the little darlings in some sort of government resettlement scheme.

After the recent annual military exercise in the Galloway, we now have an awful lot more wrecked verges. It seems that a lot of these forces drivers can’t grasp the concept of big wagon and soft verge don’t mix.

I met some last year, I stopped on a wide bit of road to 3 of them past. First 2 were no bother. Corporal Pike dithered about like a granny and took to the verge and sunk. The stupid boy. I offered to tow him back out but his comrades said they would pull him out. Hope it went OK for them. I did try and explain that is best to be pulled out the same way you went in. But hey ho I’m not rambo so I don’t know.

Whilst I fully agree with resettlement schemes for ex military personnel, the harsh reality is that few forces ‘trades’ set you up for a career in civvy street. It all down to the individual and how adaptable they are, as to how employable they will be.

Trouble is many of these agencies try to go for a unique selling point to draw drivers in. We’ve all seen them… “our traffic division is run by an ex class one driver”… or “we understand the needs of drivers and will get you the exact work you want”… blah blah blah and I am sure that the ‘ex military’ slant is just something to draw unwary drivers in.

It is unfortunate that the young folks that risk their lives in the forces at the moment, will be entering a job market of limited opportunities, courtesy of a flood of new arrivals from foreign shores.

probably want people who can say YES SIR, NO SIR..3 BAGS FULL SIR :smiley: its also probable they dont want ISIS to handle dangerous loads.

It’s more because they don’t question orders and tend to do what they are told we have a few and most would never Evan think of saying no

It’s probably that some of us get on and do the job instead of sitting around ■■■■■■■■ how bad things are

It’s probably that some of us get on and do the job instead of sitting around ■■■■■■■■ how bad things are

Beautiful ! Well said, Sir.

It’s probably that some of us get on and do the job instead of sitting around ■■■■■■■■ how bad things are

Some non ex-military do too. :wink:

So what’s all that about?

Just another form of discrimination imo, nothing hard about driving a truck or working with fuel.

2 out of 3 ex military drivers we had didn’t have a clue when they started, one still has trouble reversing the 6 wheelers, the other has improved. seems like they got their license as a standard routine when in the services, then never actually drove, had their adr tickets and everything.

2 out of 3 ex military drivers we had didn’t have a clue when they started, one still has trouble reversing the 6 wheelers, the other has improved. seems like , they got their license as a standard routine when in the services, then never actually drove, had their adr tickets and everything.

Total pish I’m afraid. They will have attended a week of driving instruction followed by a regular, normal test. The difference comes when the don’t use the licence & drive the required vehicles very often, if at all. The adr can be taken by anyone, usually as part of resettlement, I did it prior to getting out. The courses are run by civilian instructors, there were 2 non forces on mine out of 12, and the normal tests are taken & sent off to be graded.
I don’t know where some of this garbage comes from, can you imagine how much crap the forces would get into these days if it was discovered they were giving licences & qualifications away to anyone.

thats not what he said. :unamused:

I have employed many ex squaddies. Some excellent. Some really bad. But one thing about all of them is how immaculate they keep a truck. They are the cleanest and tidiest bunch of people. Must be the army training they receive.

I don’t remember the issue of alleged preferential treatment of ex services over civilian applicants for driving jobs arising in previous times.So what’s changed now and why. :confused:

I don’t remember the issue of alleged preferential treatment of ex services over civilian applicants for driving jobs arising in previous times.So what’s changed now and why. :confused:

Simple, now we have the internet & forums where people can come & post any old tosh, before we had the mouthpieces in the yard or other drivers you met on the road.


I don’t remember the issue of alleged preferential treatment of ex services over civilian applicants for driving jobs arising in previous times.So what’s changed now and why. :confused:

Simple, now we have the internet & forums where people can come & post any old tosh, before we had the mouthpieces in the yard or other drivers you met on the road.

Never heard of it from anyone ‘in the yard’ or ‘on the road’ either before the internet.While he seemed to be definite about having seen the condition put down when applying for vacancies.


Freight Dog:
Maybe tanker work suits ex mil regimented types with trained in habit for procedures and rules.

Can’t imagine they want the free thinking knights of the road type. I’m guessing it’s strict doctrine, minimised risk and maximum procedure stuff.

After some of the videos of goings on my lad has shown me during his time in the Raf i wouldnt trust some of them with a milk float let alone a petrol tanker :laughing:

Ha, ha…well it’s the RAF. Civvies in uniform. :laughing: