Well I don’t care if it is an infringement, I ain’t doing it.
Well I don’t care if it is an infringement, I ain’t doing it.
Going back to SAAAAAAAAAMMMMMOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNN think if you eject it once as a trampers,
compared to a six shift night trunker,
more to go wrong with it
scratches and such like on the chip!
it’s easier to leave it in and do BEGIN AND END COUNTRY!
I agree with Fatboys eloquently written and exquisitely laid out post.
Why risk damage to the card if not necessary?
Fatboy is on the ball here. As to the earlier post that said you might accidentally knock a button? Get a grip. And what if you need to move the wagon? You are on break, you shouldn’t need to move.
Leave it in and take it out when in workshop, going home for weekend or holiday and when you are downloading it.
Well I don’t care if it is an infringement, I ain’t doing it.
Tell that to the VOSA official when they’re fining you for infringements. They won’t care either!
Born Idle:
Well I don’t care if it is an infringement, I ain’t doing it.Tell that to the VOSA official when they’re fining you for infringements. They won’t care either!
as previous posts state vosa will not do you for leaving your card in been pulled twice this year once by vosa and the other by the garda and neither made any mention about leaving the card in
To me it is obviously only a way of making money out of a driver, because if you are not showing the actual place you finished work just the country it supplies no information at all, not like the old days of log books or paper disc’s, when if you where on a dodgy night out and got caught by a silent check they had you banged to rights now you start in UK and finish in UK, you could have even shipped over the water been to two other countries and still be back in the UK to book off, so why is start and finish country required? I know it’s the rules but I can see no other reason for it than to make money through a fine.
To be honest you, nor anyone else should have any problems if you can produce 28 calendar days of activity at the roadside at any given point. It doesn’t matter whether you have ejected your card at the end of your shift although I would always recommend keeping it in. The important thing is to remember to always complete manual entries to explain what you were doing when the card was ejected. ALWAYS provide a 24 hours of recorded evidence from your card or your drivers letter of attestation.
Digicards spoiled all the fun in the job.
I once parked at Vankum (its spelt with a W but the censor he say no ) in Germany and booked off in Titz
a great tacho that one.
Ahh simple pleasures
My experience with digicards is very minimal but like most I never used to manually input start and finish countries during the week.
One thing I’d like to know is, there are times when you don’t know if you’re finished for the day or not, you may have tipped, pulled out on to the road or in to a layby or wherever, rang for instructions and later on still sitting there decided to call it a day where you are. Your tacho may well have been recording rest for a few hours by that point and you wouldn’t have booked off in a country manually because you’d have presumed that you were going to be driving on somewhere else. If when you do decide to stay put after X amount of hours of your tacho recording rest that’s going towards your 9 or 11 you then start faffing about with the tacho with a manual entry of end country, does this kick you back on duty and firstly cancel out the X amount of hours you’ve taken off towards your 9 or 11 and potentially put you in violation if you happen to press the buttons after your 13/15 hour spread over is up?
I only used to put in the country I ended my shift in and only on overnight ferries did I use the start country option. in your example I would simply not put in the end country (although it doesn’t show as other work or mess with the break) and insert the start country in the morning. still an offence but not a biggie if you don’t fail the attitude test etc.
as for removing the card to shunt the lorry during your daily rest, well, being that stupid will cost you about €4000 in france.