Ever had your CPC checked

Got my new card today, ooh my life is complete.:roll_eyes::smile:

What is it now 15 years? 3 cards?

We all know what a genuine qualification it is :joy:…but…
Never been asked to see it ever in that period.
Has anybody else?
Or have you heard of anybody getting nicked after a check for not having one?

Or is it like the wtd farce, never actually checked or enforced by the law.
Just curious.

I’ll have a bet that your boss has a record of it. You’ll not easily get a job without one.

Never been asked at the roadside in the UK, but I have been asked in France.
They do tend to have more “controls” over there with everything being checked.

Well the 21 hrs of mine just completed were a genuine qualification, that’s because I gained them with my full 5 day course ADR, the 14 hrs I already had prior to that were 16hrs of my life I’ll never get back though…

i was once stopped at a road side check and was asked for it but broadly as been said the majority of the time its the company i am working for that asks to see it for their records

Never been asked at a customers premises and I’ve had zero interaction with the authorities this century so it’s a definite no from me.

All drivers who work for any client of mine have it checked that (a) they have one and (b) it’s in date. Same for any TM I know personally. If they don’t have one they don’t get to drive a truck.
First part of any new driver process is an online licence check and this shows DQC and tacho card info.

Checked at the roadside? Seems to happen quite a bit around here in the Northumbria police area, AND… peculiar just to that force’s area, when they stop an HGV driver in their car or on their motorbike, when they find their stop is a vocational driver, they’re insisting on seeing the DQC as well. This is totally out of order as you only need to carry it when driving commercially, but NP are actively choosing to do this.

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Wow! That’s an abuse of power surely? As it happens my DCPC and digi card stay in my wallet but if I was stopped while driving my car and asked to produce them there’d be a tense stand off to be sure!

Mind you, after a night in the cells they provide a nice brekky so maybe it’s not a lose, lose situation.

Yep I would say they’re been a bit keen there…going as far as exceeding their authority from a legal pov?
I’m with you mate, be polite at first and if they get arsey tell them to (2 words/3f.s) So we may be sharing a cell sometime.:smile:

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I’d call it “We’re thick as two short planks but we think we can get away with it”.

The letter that comes with the new card says very clearly “You must carry this with you at all times when driving professionally either in the UK or when working in another member state.”

and not “You must carry this with you at all times when driving.”
The day it happens to me there’ll be letters going to their top brass and copied to DVSA as well. Even Cleveland Police are not this dense.