Even scarier!


The sooner this deluded muppet and his followers take their own advice,by leaving the planet for supposed greener pastures on Mars and beyond,the better. :unamused: While does even he seriously think that many of the general population would want to follow him even if the nutters could build the required space transport to do it.

More like he’ll be safely on the launch pad telling the unfortunate penal expedition how lucky they are to be going as they are forced into the spacecraft at gunpoint. :imp:

possibly they will just get a hiab and crane him into the pilots seat.id imagine theres more computers plugged into him than they would need to fly the space ship.
would he even fit through the security scanner?

I can assure you all there are forces at play that will stop the virus of humanity spreading to other planets.

Take my lot on our home planet of ‘Orgasmatron’ for example, our supreme leader ‘■■■■■ the Moistener’ has authorised use of the deadly ‘■■■ ray’ whereby the first one to climax during coitus snuffs it. This should in theory leave a majority of females on earth ripe for the plucking and hosts for a hybrid species of socially unacceptable beings…
[Any similarity this cunning plan has to the film Flesh Gordon is purely coincidental].

Why is this scary, well except for Dipper Dave’s point of mankind being a virus, not the Flesh Gordon bit? :laughing:
And I can see his point. I used to work with a bloke who had a degree in Zoology, he said the way humans acts on the Earth is similar to the way a parasite acts on it’s host.

As a species we have always explored the next place to go, it’s why as a species we’re found in every corner of the World and have even left our planet, although in space terms we’ve done no more than open the front door and put a tentative foot on the front step. So colonising new Worlds are the next stage for species just for survival sake as eventually if we stay on Earth we will die out, either because we kill ourselves or a bacteria kills us or something collides with the planet and wipes us all out. However does the rest of the universe want this parasite to leave its host or will we develop as a species, if we compare our species to a person, I’m not sure if we’ve developed much further than a toddler let loose without a responsible guardian, in comparison with other species on Earth or that are now extinct we haven’t been around for very long.

Why is this scary

As a species we have always explored the next place to go, it’s why as a species we’re found in every corner of the World and have even left our planet, although in space terms we’ve done no more than open the front door and put a tentative foot on the front step. So colonising new Worlds are the next stage for species just for survival sake as eventually if we stay on Earth we will die out, either because we kill ourselves or a bacteria kills us or something collides with the planet and wipes us all out. However does the rest of the universe want this parasite to leave its host or will we develop as a species, if we compare our species to a person, I’m not sure if we’ve developed much further than a toddler let loose without a responsible guardian, in comparison with other species on Earth or that are now extinct we haven’t been around for very long.

Sounds like part of the Green Party manifesto to me. :unamused:

So exactly what makes this new planet paradise supposedly immune to all the problems described and which humans supposedly create on Earth.Bearing in mind that it’s only a certain demographic that out populate their natural resources while those of us that don’t are then told by the same greeny snowflakes that we are underpopulated.Let alone the fact that exploring and colonising planet Earth, which we are genetically designed to live on,over manageable distances,isn’t the same thing as inter stellar let alone inter galactic travel.Let alone finding the right type of planet,the right distance,from the right type of Star,with the right atmosphere and gravity,to sustain life as we know it.Bearing mind that even with all that much of planet Earth is still an uninhabitable,or at least unattractive too cold,too hot,too dry desert. :open_mouth:

Those like bleedin Hawkinge,who are shouting loudest for us to leave,should zb off and go and leave the rest of us to get on with it here where we belong.

Those like bleedin Hawkinge,who are shouting loudest for us to leave,should zb off and go and leave the rest of us to get on with it here where we belong.

:bulb: This sounds like something from The Flat Earth Society. :grimacing:


Why is this scary

As a species we have always explored the next place to go, it’s why as a species we’re found in every corner of the World and have even left our planet, although in space terms we’ve done no more than open the front door and put a tentative foot on the front step. So colonising new Worlds are the next stage for species just for survival sake as eventually if we stay on Earth we will die out, either because we kill ourselves or a bacteria kills us or something collides with the planet and wipes us all out. However does the rest of the universe want this parasite to leave its host or will we develop as a species, if we compare our species to a person, I’m not sure if we’ve developed much further than a toddler let loose without a responsible guardian, in comparison with other species on Earth or that are now extinct we haven’t been around for very long.

Sounds like part of the Green Party manifesto to me. :unamused:

So exactly what makes this new planet paradise supposedly immune to all the problems described and which humans supposedly create on Earth.Bearing in mind that it’s only a certain demographic that out populate their natural resources while those of us that don’t are then told by the same greeny snowflakes that we are underpopulated.Let alone the fact that exploring and colonising planet Earth, which we are genetically designed to live on,over manageable distances,isn’t the same thing as inter stellar let alone inter galactic travel.Let alone finding the right type of planet,the right distance,from the right type of Star,with the right atmosphere and gravity,to sustain life as we know it.Bearing mind that even with all that much of planet Earth is still an uninhabitable,or at least unattractive too cold,too hot,too dry desert. :open_mouth:

Those like bleedin Hawkinge,who are shouting loudest for us to leave,should zb off and go and leave the rest of us to get on with it here where we belong.

One day something will happen to this planet that lead to the extinction of much or all life on here, it may happen in a few years it maybe in a 1000 years it maybe 10,000 year or more, it maybe due to our activity or it maybe something totally out of our control, but inevitably it will happen.
I get the impression you think that we are going to send a rocket off to for new planets tomorrow or at least in our lifetime, however it seems Stephen Hawkins can think over a longer time frame than you, realistically the time scales will be hundreds of years before we have the technology to travel to other planets, but we won’t have the technology or the experience if we don’t start working towards that it.
It’s also what humans have always done, we first explore find new places then we colonise them, and to do the exploration and the colonisation, we developed technology, to travel further, faster and take larger loads, even cars and trucks are from centuries or developments they didn’t just arrive on the scene.
While there are many places in Earth without permanent settlements we have explored from the highest mountain to the deepest sea trench and from the hottest places to the coldest and there are permanent settlements in parts of Siberia and Northern Canada where winter temperatures can average below -40C and places in the Sahara or Central Australia where the average can be over 40C and very little rainfall and then are all the other places humans have managed to make settlements, like perched on the side of Mountains, settlements on stilts and others floating in lakes or on rivers, on tiny islands in the middle of the largest Oceans and many of these were settled thousands of years ago with very primitive technology, so with a few hundred years of developments there is no telling where we could make a settlement, not that you or I is going to have to worry.


Those like bleedin Hawkinge,who are shouting loudest for us to leave,should zb off and go and leave the rest of us to get on with it here where we belong.

:bulb: This sounds like something from The Flat Earth Society. :grimacing:

I can imagine Carryfast distant ancestors sat in a tree, while the others have started to leave and move around, then trying to persuade him that these new fangled flint tools make cutting up meat far easier. Or somebody tries to introduce Carryfast’s ancestor to the wheel, but he’s convinced it just a waste of time, dragging a sledge works just fine, wheels are just part of the green leftist agenda.

I can imagine Carryfast distant ancestors sat in a tree, while the others have started to leave and move around, then trying to persuade him that these new fangled flint tools make cutting up meat far easier. Or somebody tries to introduce Carryfast’s ancestor to the wheel, but he’s convinced it just a waste of time, dragging a sledge works just fine, wheels are just part of the green leftist agenda.

The analogy in this case would be more along the lines of the Swiss telling their younger generations that they needed to evacuate the country and go to an uninhabited,lifeless,desert Island in the Pacific,by hot air baloon,because of the risk of avalanche,or catastrophic winter freeze,or civil war,or meteor strike,by staying at home.

While the reference to the colonisation of Australia seems ironic.Remind us how the Brit government actually instigated that when they didn’t get many/any volunteers to go.While as I said what makes Hawkinge’s supposed new world paradise that could sustain human life,supposedly immune from all the risks you’ve listed in living here on Earth.Even if such a place out in space actually existed and by some miracle the technology and logistics could be found to get there and they still had a healthy population left when they eventually arrived ( doubtful ).

I can imagine Carryfast distant ancestors sat in a tree, while the others have started to leave and move around, then trying to persuade him that these new fangled flint tools make cutting up meat far easier. Or somebody tries to introduce Carryfast’s ancestor to the wheel, but he’s convinced it just a waste of time, dragging a sledge works just fine, wheels are just part of the green leftist agenda.

I can imagine that too. :smiley: :laughing: :grimacing:

You’ve plotted the rise of Carryfastism from the earliest days, but history suggests that naysayers such as Carryfast continued to pop up from time to time throughout the ages.

Moving onwards through history from trees and wheels, a slightly later form of Carryfastism includes the assertion that the Earth is the centre of the universe.

A Carryfastist told Magellan that, if he attempted the crazy idea of circumnavigation, his ship would be doomed to fall off the edge of the Earth, whilst other supporters of Carryfastism teamed up and condemned Gallileo as a heretic.


“Carryfastism” The myopic ability to be completely wrong about something whilst maintaining a steadfast rejection of hard evidence and/or convincing arguments to the contrary based on poor interpretation of internet search engine results.

“Carryfastist” A person who has mastered and adheres to the rigorous discipline required by Carryfastism.

“Carryfastist” A person who has mastered and adheres to the rigorous discipline required by Carryfastism.

A person who recognises the hypocrisy of people saying how good that Australia is compared to good old blighty and how we must colonise it and then retiring to their country house set in acres of English countryside,while stitching up and forcing others to go there against their will.Most of the place still being an uninhabitable baking desert full of venomous creatures to this day. :bulb: :wink:


“Carryfastist” A person who has mastered and adheres to the rigorous discipline required by Carryfastism.

A person who recognises the hypocrisy of people saying how good that Australia is compared to good old blighty and how we must colonise it and then retiring to their country house set in acres of English countryside,while stitching up and forcing others to go there against their will.Most of the place still being an uninhabitable baking desert full of venomous creatures to this day. :bulb: :wink:

… all of which is predictably random and precisely nothing to the point. :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue:


I can imagine Carryfast distant ancestors sat in a tree, while the others have started to leave and move around, then trying to persuade him that these new fangled flint tools make cutting up meat far easier. Or somebody tries to introduce Carryfast’s ancestor to the wheel, but he’s convinced it just a waste of time, dragging a sledge works just fine, wheels are just part of the green leftist agenda.

The analogy in this case would be more along the lines of the Swiss telling their younger generations that they needed to evacuate the country and go to an uninhabited,lifeless,desert Island in the Pacific,by hot air baloon,because of the risk of avalanche,or catastrophic winter freeze,or civil war,or meteor strike,by staying at home.

I assume you believe the Earth has always been here, it has always had this climate which allows us to survive and it always will, nothing will ever change.

While the reference to the colonisation of Australia seems ironic.Remind us how the Brit government actually instigated that when they didn’t get many/any volunteers to go.

Nobody mentioned Australia and it wasn’t the only place in the World that was colonised and people have up sticks and moved to new places for thousands of years and for many reasons, not just because they’ve been forced to go to a penal colony.

While as I said what makes Hawkinge’s supposed new world paradise that could sustain human life,supposedly immune from all the risks you’ve listed in living here on Earth.Even if such a place out in space actually existed and by some miracle the technology and logistics could be found to get there and they still had a healthy population left when they eventually arrived ( doubtful ).

Maybe that’s why you go and explore first and don’t just fill a big rocket with loads of people and hope for the best.

I assume you believe the Earth has always been here, it has always had this climate which allows us to survive and it always will, nothing will ever change

The exact same argument could obviously apply in the case of those calling for the evacuation of Switzerland to Krakatoa for example.In which case why the double standard regarding the ‘new’ planet home.

Let alone the impossible figures and the equally impossible living conditions involved in sending a manned space craft to the Alpha Centauri system let alone further.In which even if you could make something large enough and fast enough and provide the life support systems and even if you could find the ‘volunteers’ to go you’ll at best end up with a load of home sick mentally traumatised ‘colonists’ before they even touch down on their new ‘home’.On that note there’s no more reason to think that the so called colonisation of space wouldn’t go along similar lines as the colonisation of Australia but with a ‘much’ unhappier ending. :unamused: