Euroshell Fuel Card

At this current place, Shell is our one and only option for filling up, i’m finding it quite a pain in the backside, especially with a Volvo FM 400 litre tank.

Would anybody happy to know a good reason to use it over BP for example who have excellent coverage and far better designed sites (generally) in comparison?

Anyone use it, or have any opinions on the network?

Any idea how prices compare?

I don’t think it’s worth using, but i’m sure the boss has his reasons. The last place had the convenience of keyfuels and BP, so it’s taking some adjustment on my part.

Thanks for any thoughts.

Try having Esso fuel cards then :open_mouth:

Last place I worked for (on agency) had shell cards but you could use them at BP as well. Is this not the case for all of the shell ones then?

Try having Esso fuel cards then :open_mouth:

You can use your esso cards at shell as well (or it was like that year ago…)

As for the op: we are using them and i cant complain with coverage and i am driving sprinters. I was struggling only in croatia.

Better tel me where i can use edc card as i did not found the sijgle place yet…

Shell cards were used by a company I worked for because they claimed the VAT back for free, I don’t know if that is still the case though.
I liked the shell card, many sites ( get the Mitchelin Europe Shell map) We had a UTA card as well, but only used that for breakdowns and fuel when no Shell available, shell worked in Esso as well in most countries

Shell cards were used by a company I worked for because they claimed the VAT back for free, I don’t know if that is still the case though.

When I had Euroshell cards the VAT reclamation wasn’t free but you got it credited back every two weeks. Invoices were issued fortnightly and with each set of invoices you got a credit note for the VAT from the previous invoices minus a small percentage for the reclamation fee. The percentage differed for each country with the countries which were slower in refunding the VAT having a higher percentage.

Fuel card suppliers have very exacting standards before they issue cards, I don’t know how big a firm you work for, but a small company will have trouble getting more then a couple of cards, it raises questions with the fuel companies and they have a database which they share, they’ve taken a beating many times with companies going under and a small company with lots of different cards can run for months without paying for fuel, just by using card A until it gets put on stop, then switching to card B etc etc etc, that could be one reason, a less sinister reason may be that they get a good deal from Shell, or even that the boss likes the thought of a premium brand such as Shell.

How you getting on with the water container? :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

I’m also sure euroshell are the only fuel company that don’t ask for a deposit, unlike dkv,edc keyfuels etc.

I used to work for Euroshell!!!.. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

I used to work for Euroshell!!!.. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

I bet myself a tenner you’d pop up on this thread :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It is amazing what, in a round about way, you can pay for with Euroshell…Ginna i think her name was!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

I miss going to Milan!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers for the replies folks :slight_smile:

How you getting on with the water container?


Good actually, I mean I broke the first two until I realised how to work them.

Numbers 3, 4 and 5 are now full of diesel and strapped to my catwalk, because I can never find a bleeding Shell station :wink:

Dragging this steel around with hanging meat, really burns through the diesel. :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

do a POI search for your sat nav
and try to get a book
i had shell on Brits
the times i had to lose the trailer just to get fuel
without end grrrrr


How you getting on with the water container?


Good actually, I mean I broke the first two until I realised how to work them.

Numbers 3, 4 and 5 are now full of diesel and strapped to my catwalk, because I can never find a bleeding Shell station :wink:

Dragging this steel around with hanging meat, really burns through the diesel. :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: