European health insurance

Has anyone got any? Other than the e111(or whatever its number is now?)
After my few days in ashford hospital, it got me to thinking… i could quite easily have been abroad :open_mouth: . Perhaps some insurance is in order! Anyone have any knowledge of transmed? Or a banks own type of insurance?
Thanks for any info.
rgds jon

Try TRANS-MED this is the best one around and has been here for a long time,also it was mentioned in the truck mag a few years ago when a driver had to be recovered from RUSSIA due to the injuries he had and they also recovered the guys truck and load as well.

There are several out there JB, the one I have is through the RHA and it covers me for hospital expenses, flying me home if needed, replacement driver to get the truck home and if the very worst happened it would also get my body home. Quite what my wife and kids would do with the body at home I have no idea, maybe sit it in my computer chair then all would seem normal.

There are a couple of other benefits included, pays out to cover loses through being mugged for instance and it cost £73.50 a year including insurance tax. It is only for RHA members but other companies offer the same sort of thing.

Has anyone got any? Other than the e111(or whatever its number is now?)
After my few days in ashford hospital, it got me to thinking… i could quite easily have been abroad :open_mouth: . Perhaps some insurance is in order! Anyone have any knowledge of transmed? Or a banks own type of insurance?
Thanks for any info.
rgds jon


The E111 is changing to the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from the 1st September. Mine arrived last week, it’s just like a credit card and is valid for five years.

Full details at


Quite what my wife and kids would do with the body at home I have no idea, maybe sit it in my computer chair then all would seem normal.

Stuffed and mounted springs to mind Neil :wink:

Though quite what,or who,they’d have you mounted on doesn’t bear thinking about :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :confused:

I have just got my E111 credit card, but Im waiting for the PIN so I can get cash and buy a meal :stuck_out_tongue:

In the past I had the need to use Transmed and it was spot on, no questions, no worries, just a signature when I left hospital.

We have Transmed with GBE too, so I know it will work if needed.

A very old tale which might be better in the urban myths book as I was never sure if it was true.

Norman Lewis had a driver involved in an accident in Italy, It was fatal for the driver and the story goes that Norman went out to Italy in his Rolls Royce to bring the body back :confused: I know the driver who went out with a low loader to recover the truck and tanker, he assures me it was true!
I do know that shortly afterwards we were given Transmed Insurance :smiley:

And remember funeral movements don’t need a CMR. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: Might come in handy one day to know that.

And remember funeral movements don’t need a CMR. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: Might come in handy one day to know that.

Panalpina in Bradford had a good contract to get rid of the semi stiff bodies on religious grounds.

Bradford has a bigger percentage of people not locally born :stuck_out_tongue: and the religious among them need to get loved ones floating up the river on top of a bonfire before the next sunset :confused: So Panalpina collected them, crated them up and flew them back to India

Sorry to invade your space.
There’s only one original Transmed provider
Contact telephone number is Local Rate 08456.121003
If you’ve seen topic RHA Junk Mail,
Transmed promises they won’t send you any other than this:
If you respond to this I will give FREE UK COVER to the first 5 drivers
who make me smile :slight_smile: )
This reply posted with Rikki 's approval.

And remember funeral movements don’t need a CMR. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: Might come in handy one day to know that.

But in France I understand you need the approval of the maire of every commune you pass through - even for ashes. Don’t think I’d bother, just don’t make any bread from the wrong packet of flour when you get home :cry: .

Salut, David.