Euromats random truck picture thread

great pics Euromat…

wish i had a truck grave yard near me… find these places just fantastic…


id would have loved the job you have when i was truck driving mate, but i cant drive trucks anymore due to me accident, i can only drive a car with hand controls now because my accident paralysed me from the chest down.

im going to the U2 gig, would you be able to get me in to where they park the trucks so i can get some photos & buy you a couple of beers & have a chat, as other gigs ive been to they seem to be locked behind fences, or even a back stage pass would be ace & id’e be in your debt forever mate. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


mark h:
keep them coming,

just a quick question mat/carl, your trucks, i know are missing the rear wing tops but why does the rear of the unit look like its lowered all the time, or is it my eyes?

just wondered thats all

They do sit low when stationary, but i believe that when they get going they do sit up a bit more level.


pics are excllent m8, Love the Volvo, in a lovely shade of Primer by the looks of it!!
Those first few pics ye don see too often .

Keep’em comin!


mark h:
keep them coming,

just a quick question mat/carl, your trucks, i know are missing the rear wing tops but why does the rear of the unit look like its lowered all the time, or is it my eyes?

just wondered thats all

They do sit low when stationary, but i believe that when they get going they do sit up a bit more level.

yer i get ya carl, cheers mate

I got a few odds and sods mat, hope you dont mind me putting em here…

i have to say i take umbridge at this one vern… :laughing: :laughing:

I knew you’d like it V!!!

Hi euromat

took this yesterday on the north bound layby of the A500 just as it meets the M6 j16, the reg no is T629 JGV, its not a very good pic but it was taken from the other side of the duel carridge way.i dont think its you because you drive a super space cab dont you.


your right mate, not me, im on poland at the moment, thats my mate ■■■■■, blokes a legend!!

i was wondering who was driving that mat, should’ve known it was ■■■■■ by the isle of man tt sticker in window.


id would have loved the job you have when i was truck driving mate, but i cant drive trucks anymore due to me accident, i can only drive a car with hand controls now because my accident paralysed me from the chest down.

im going to the U2 gig, would you be able to get me in to where they park the trucks so i can get some photos & buy you a couple of beers & have a chat, as other gigs ive been to they seem to be locked behind fences, or even a back stage pass would be ace & id’e be in your debt forever mate. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


hello mate, i missed this, it all depends which gig your going to,a backstage pass is out of the question, but depending where the trucks are i may be able to help out, cant promise anything though

mark h:


mark h:
keep them coming,

just a quick question mat/carl, your trucks, i know are missing the rear wing tops but why does the rear of the unit look like its lowered all the time, or is it my eyes?

just wondered thats all

hello mate, i have no idea, i dont think its your eyes as i have always wondered this, it only seems to be low ride dafs which look this way

yer it looks like cab is leaning back etc

was on tramsam facebook page, some job that you have got

hey guys,
its because the trailers are mega cube(massive internal space) theyre run on smaller profile tyres to bring them in at or under the 4.0m euro height limit, therefore fitting more stuff into the trailers (in this job u will usually cube out space wise before weight limits come in) allthough u do have to watch the loading over the drive axles!

hey guys,
its because the trailers are mega cube(massive internal space) theyre run on smaller profile tyres to bring them in at or under the 4.0m euro height limit, therefore fitting more stuff into the trailers (in this job u will usually cube out space wise before weight limits come in) allthough u do have to watch the loading over the drive axles!

but if you look at scanias mercedes etc, their low rides never seem to lean back like the dafs do (or is it just me?)

right, another selection. these ones are from a friend of mine who used to work for both h c wilsons and mdf transport, and he said i can put these on the internet for others to view


i goin the U2 gig on the 20th of this month mate. no probs bout the back stage pass mate just thought id try, would be great if you could get me in to photo the trucks though.



hey guys,
its because the trailers are mega cube(massive internal space) theyre run on smaller profile tyres to bring them in at or under the 4.0m euro height limit, therefore fitting more stuff into the trailers (in this job u will usually cube out space wise before weight limits come in) allthough u do have to watch the loading over the drive axles!

but if you look at scanias mercedes etc, their low rides never seem to lean back like the dafs do (or is it just me?)

Scanny’s Mercs Ovlov’s etc seem to sit flat, just your DAF’s look like they wanna pull a wheelie :laughing:

I got a few odds and sods mat, hope you dont mind me putting em here…

Awesome :smiley:

hi euromat

I hope you dont mind me putting this pic in your thread mate, i just thought that everybody should see this mother of a truck caught on keele services a few weeks ago:

& are we still on for photo sesion at the U2 gig tommorow mate, i can pm you with my mobile number if you want.


hi euromat

I hope you dont mind me putting this pic in your thread mate, i just thought that everybody should see this mother of a truck caught on keele services a few weeks ago:

& are we still on for photo sesion at the U2 gig tommorow mate, i can pm you with my mobile number if you want.


most of them are parked in at the hallam arena mate, pics wont be great but i dont mind meeting you if you want to have a look mate, pm away!

another one i saw the other week…