Euro Truckstops, Definitive Guide

you seem so proud of your country. Why not go there for say…Another 25 years?

Bro i think we could become friends, even my GF who is Dutch hates the Oostblokkers lol

Hate… Thats great fundaments to build a friendship… :stuck_out_tongue:

Not my word…Be careful Tomasz. :wink:

Years ago before the immigrant masses arrived,you could park up in Calais,there was a decent Rouitiers near the town centre.

When I used to go over the water I had a strict formula that I used to find good places to eat, if there were a group of British Lorries parked outside, drive past the place :lol:

If there were lots of ‘local’ drivers parked outside, you could almost guarantee good food at reasonable prices and the BS would be in a different language too, so a double bonus :sunglasses:

Yup rule 1

Left Milan 8.30 friday evening, got nabbed by the national police on the A25 4 K’s from dunkerque sunday morning for driving through the ban, only made it to J13 Belgian border parking sat night, thought I would be safe to get to the corridor, Wasn’t !!,

By the way Frence police at St Omar péage every Sunday now, so watch out if your coming up that way with the wrong sort of load.

what was the fine for that :question: :question: :question: :question: and did they check your digi card etc…

jessicas dad:

Left Milan 8.30 friday evening, got nabbed by the national police on the A25 4 K’s from dunkerque sunday morning for driving through the ban, only made it to J13 Belgian border parking sat night, thought I would be safe to get to the corridor, Wasn’t !!,

By the way Frence police at St Omar péage every Sunday now, so watch out if your coming up that way with the wrong sort of load.

what was the fine for that :question: :question: :question: :question: and did they check your digi card etc…

€90 and no card check. I was told if I got to the corridor i could head to Calais. They wanted to take my cmr and I would have to collect it at 10pm that night but after a little sweet talk I said I needed to park somewhere I could use the toilet and eat so the nearest place was the BP in dunquerke, I think they knew I was going to go anyway. They were ok, just wanted the money and to be looking like they were doing their job.

you seem so proud of your country. Why not go there for say…Another 25 years?

PMSL :laughing: :laughing:
Got on the bus this morning, I said to the driver " Return please “. He said " Where to?” I said " Poland you [ZB] ".

Got on the bus this morning, I said to the driver " Return please “. He said " Where to?” I said " Poland you [ZB] ".

Like this (as a joke). Actually, from strictly humour point of view, I like jokes like that. My favourites are:

  • What’s the difference between E.T. and a Pole?
  • ■■?
  • E.T. can speak English and wants go home :slight_smile:

I also like the one on Scots:

  • Why do Scots wear kilts?
  • Because otherwise sheep will run away on the sound of zipper.


I’m Back !! is up and running, well I’m still working on it and there is a lot to do but if anyone is interested in helping out and adding some of your favourite truckstops you can do it at

You will need to register to post a place but don’t worry I wont be sending you any crap emails, Its just I need some level of security for those muppets who will post all sorts of crap on the site.

There are only a few listings there as it stands. I have been very busy with the “day job” and haven’t had time to add much content. I’ll spend the next week or 2 testing and adding some other content.

If you have any questions or find problems with the site please post here of use the email form on the site and I’ll get them sorted.

You might also like our facebook page at Facebook, this might give the site a little more credibility :sunglasses: .

Some of the content at the moment is dummy stuff but I’m working as fast as I can to get everything sorted.


Good Job! I liked it on FB, but have no time ATM to add truckstops, but if you want, I can post it on the Polish forum and ask people from there to add some…

Cheers orys,

Ya post it anywhere you can !. Not sure of the spelling of some of the polish cities, the programming language I used doesn’t like the special characters in polish and some other languages.
I’m going to start advertising the site in a few places so the more publicity the better.


Just been on f/book and liked your page. I’ll have a proper look at the site when I get back to uk.

Cheers orys,

Ya post it anywhere you can !. Not sure of the spelling of some of the polish cities, the programming language I used doesn’t like the special characters in polish and some other languages.
I’m going to start advertising the site in a few places so the more publicity the better.


The rule is that if you cannot spell it properly, you just drop the additional diactric signs, so ą becomes a, ć becomes c, ę becomes e, ł becomes l, ń becomes n, ó becomes o, ś becomes s and ż and ź both become z. Similar you can do with Czech and others. If in doubt, PM me (both for Czech and Polish names).

But I think that it would be worth to implement encoding both for Western and Eastern europe, at least so that it would be recognized at input and then converted into british alphabet if you wish so. If you think it will go European, you have to expect people that they will put the proper names in their native languages. Or at least give some info next to “search” field that you don’t accept diactric signs… But then, it looks lame, I know that British people put not much attention to it (I was once sent to Merignac in France instead of Mérignac, luckily they are only 160 kms apart), but for most Europeans, who do have some diactric signs, its important. (just to give example: Zrób mi ŁASKĘ means “would you be so kind” and “Zrób mi LASKĘ” means ■■■■ my ■■■■ :slight_smile: )

As for technicalities: If you want to have Eastern European encoding right, use ISO-88something-2 (next to very similar for Western Europe) and no CP/Windows or other outdated crap like Mazovia.

I will post it on other forum, but first ask the admin of it for permission.

I’m using MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode, its supposed to give me access to non-ASCII but it doesn’t seem to be working. I dont have an ISO option in my MySql admin panel.I’ll have to look in to it an see if I can hard code it in somewhere.

Thanks, I wasn’t expecting that response from a drivers forum !!! :open_mouth: .

Well, don’t hope for more from me, I did two or three websites in plain, basic html in my life and that’s about how much my knowledge of the subject goes… :slight_smile: So you are much, much better than me in that stuff and you are on driver’s forum as well, so why surprise? :slight_smile: If you will encounter any problems with this, I can ask some Polish web developer friends I have, as I guess encoding diactric signs is not your everyday cup of tea :slight_smile:

I never had to deal with any languages other than English before but I’ll have a go at figuring it out.
I can use all the help I can get so any feedback is always welcome but you would have to admit that you would search long and hard to find another post in this forum with character encoding in it, made me laugh anyway !!!.
Must get to bed now, my other job starts again in a few hours !!


You’re right that you can’t find much diactric signs on Trucknet - as this is English language forum. But as such, it aims mostly at British truckers, so if you just rely on Trucknet you will have Britain covered very well, and some odd truckstops scattered over Europe put there by these, who still go to Europe and are bothered to participate.

It will be good for your website if you get truckers from other countries to participate, especially these, who are driving allover Europe all the time (here, here, Polish truckers come useful at least! :stuck_out_tongue:)

But to atract foreign truckers you have to cater for them - I am not saying that you shoudl translate it into all 30+ languages of Europe (well, not yet! :laughing: ) as English is basic and simple enough to be understand by most of them, but I would say that proper names is a minimum. I live in UK 7 years now and I still put proper names of places or of my surname into internet forms, and it’s very annoying when the website is British and gives some error in return. I know that it sounds exotic for you, but the website that does not suport various encodings is considered to be crap in my corner of the woods (is it good expression?)

But from what I can see from this Polish truckstop you had put onto website already, Polish diactric signs are displayed properly (at least in my computer):


so if it’s any help for you, that part you have already done.

Just checked the search engine for you, and it works properly as well!!! For both Zielona Góra and Zielona Gora… So it seems that problem is sorted as well…

It will be a good site if everyone posts. I joined today and posted a site but I couldn’t post any pics.
Is that just a glitch or just associated with the free listing?
