Bye. Threats to kill someone on here is allowed by mods. But taking the ■■■■ out of cry babies who give, but can’t take flack, then whinge to mods, who then send you threatening PM’s is ok?

Sounds like you ain’t particularly happy.

What did I miss ? :smiley: :wink:

Here’s someone who knows all about it.

cry baby.jpg

What did I miss ? :smiley: :wink:

Handbags at dawn most likely :unamused:

Bye. Threats to kill someone on here is allowed by mods. But taking the ■■■■ out of cry babies who give, but can’t take flack, then whinge to mods, who then send you threatening PM’s is ok?

im comming too vern,threats to kill,this forums really lost the plot,lot safer on brfc forum,no death threats yet,see you round vern

Threats to kill,i mustve missed that one :question:

Brfc whats that

calebs gramps:
Threats to kill,i mustve missed that one :question:

Me too unless it was the landfill

Ntsa, some people should sit back and take perspective. Death threats, cry babies. It’s only a bloody forum. Not everyones opinions are going to be the same. Just chill out :unamused:

Ntsa, some people should sit back and take perspective. Death threats, cry babies. It’s only a bloody forum. Not everyones opinions are going to be the same. Just chill out :unamused:

Im going to kill you! Imagine having the audacity to speak a bit of sense on here


No threatening PM’s have been forwarded to the admin team that I am aware of,
We are aware of some folks who dont contribute to discussions apart from to bait and troll and try to get a reaction…
I am not aware of any death threats ( well its a good week I havent got a single one yet :slight_smile: )



My experience is that of rudeness, ignorance and low intelligence…

Yeah, I’ve heard them say that about Brits they have had to work with before. Still never mind, I’m sure you’ll find something more suited to you soon.

I doubt it very much…Seems decent morals, values and good old fashioned manners and consideration for others, is at an all time low…I can`t afford to mix with these sort, no matter what nationality they may be.
I just want to kill them, as in literally, rip off their poxy heads :unamused:

And you take that as a death threat :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

man you should see my inbox if that worries you, the stuff i get sent would make your toes curl up :grimacing: :grimacing:

Still if your determined to go i cant stop you… the door I believe is that way ~~~~~>

And you take that as a death threat :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

man you should see my inbox if that worries you, the stuff i get sent would make your toes curl up :grimacing: :grimacing:

Still if your determined to go i cant stop you… the door I believe is that way ~~~~~>

Point being, these things are left alone. My posts end up being reported, by whinging (Top end of the country) persons. Followed by a PM from one of your colleagues threatening to stop me posting. No big deal, but keep the clique alive eh? No punters, no advertising eh Rikki with the silent p maybe? Nice attitude :unamused:

Brfc whats that

Bristol Rovers Fans Forum I would think as it was Ady1 who mentioned it.


Brfc whats that

Bristol Rovers Fans Forum I would think as it was Ady1 who mentioned it.

Stroll on ! Go on either Bristol forums a.t.m. and you won’t worry about peoples threats to kill you.

You will be too busy thinking about personally killing yourself, :smiley: !!!


And you take that as a death threat :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

man you should see my inbox if that worries you, the stuff i get sent would make your toes curl up :grimacing: :grimacing:

Still if your determined to go i cant stop you… the door I believe is that way ~~~~~>

Point being, these things are left alone. My posts end up being reported, by whinging (Top end of the country) persons. Followed by a PM from one of your colleagues threatening to stop me posting. No big deal, but keep the clique alive eh? No punters, no advertising eh Rikki with the silent p maybe? Nice attitude :unamused:

I think the point is as RIKKI put in his earlier post that they were aware of people trolling and not joining in the discussions but just go on to threads to try to provoke people into reacting and it does get very tedious after a while imho.

Did ya notice?
everyone has the same Hassle after about 18 month at TNuk