end of an era

Well that’s it after 14 yrs of artic’s tonight is my last shift as a driver as from tomorrow i turn to the dark side as a planner, emptied the wagon out friday so when i finish tonight thats the key’s hung up hopefully for good!!!

welll im sure uve made the right decision and i wish u all the best in ur new job

Good luck mate dont forget your roots though a old transport manger I had was an ex driver and was the biggest arse hole in the office.

Big Brummie Macca:
Good luck mate dont forget your roots though a old transport manger I had was an ex driver and was the biggest arse hole in the office.

The thing is - an ex driver turned manager knows all the tricks :wink: :wink:

It wasn’t that mate it was just his whole attitude its like they gave him a personality transplant when he went into the office, he was one of the lads on the road and we knew he would have to change a little as he was the one giving the orders now but a little politeness goes along way and everything was all of a sudden a drivers fault even when it was often proved he had ■■■■■■ up.