
My emotions dont work…so whats wrong…down the bottom of the page it says that HTML is on…whatever that is
BBcode is on…Whatever that is…cant be barbeque…cos its gonna snow…
Smilies are on…but when i click on them …nothing happens…
so help us out…you clever people…

Have you thought about having a little counselling ?

I think quite a few men have trouble with their emotions.

Some can’t express them very well, while other struggle to understand them at all.

Try to heart from the fact that you are not alone in this.
Many men throughout history have had the same problem:
Vlad the Impaler
Saddam Hussain
Ivan the terrible
To name but a few.

My emotions dont work…so whats wrong…down the bottom of the page it says that HTML is on…whatever that is
BBcode is on…Whatever that is…cant be barbeque…cos its gonna snow…
Smilies are on…but when i click on them …nothing happens…
so help us out…you clever people…

When you say Smiles are on I presume that means the box is not ticked? I remember a while back someone querying why the smiles wouldn’t work for them and the Disable Smilies in this post box was ticked, which did what it says and disables them.

The other place to check is in your profile and make sure the option - Always enable Smilies - is set to yes.

Trust you JB to start the jokes…anyway ,checked everything…all turned on…off or wherever…i know they should work…but they dont work …and im gonna have a cuppa..ha ha ha ..ill just write what the emotion says…smile…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

emoticons added…Denis F

WTF is he talking about… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :question:

they worked when I edited your post - and you’re right everything is not ticked as it should be :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: