
I guess you’ve ( moderators ) have stopped me posting them

You can use the old standard ones,[emoji3][emoji41][emoji6][emoji106] just not all the new ones you get on your phone.

Error message for peeking between fingers emoji

Is that what you get?

I guess you’ve ( moderators ) have stopped me posting them

Hi dozy,

I’m afraid that your guess is incorrect.

I’ve checked at this end, there is nothing stopping you from posting emojis.

Have you considered what stu675 has said?

What is it that led to your guess?

What is it that led to your guess?

Eight pints of Henry Weston’s?

the maoster:

What is it that led to your guess?

Eight pints of Henry Weston’s?

Indeed! :smiley:

However, I’ll stand by for the possibility of randomness. :wink:


I guess you’ve ( moderators ) have stopped me posting them

Hi dozy,

I’m afraid that your guess is incorrect.

I’ve checked at this end, there is nothing stopping you from posting emojis.

Have you considered what stu675 has said?

What is it that led to your guess?

Because it says if the problem persists contact the board administrator , so why would it say contact the board administrator ( which is you ) if it’s nothing to do with you
If it was my end then I’d not be able to post anything , I can post replies / pictures ( at your discretion) but not emoji, it’s you blocking them . It’s not a guess , it’s right in front of me , if the problem persists contact the board administrator , or are you going to claim the board administrator is nothing to do with you
Anyway I’ve had enough of these childish games , it’s not the bloody board members who need sorting it’s the bloody moderators



I guess you’ve ( moderators ) have stopped me posting them

Hi dozy,

I’m afraid that your guess is incorrect.

I’ve checked at this end, there is nothing stopping you from posting emojis.

Have you considered what stu675 has said?

What is it that led to your guess?

Because it says if the problem persists contact the board administrator , so why would it say contact the board administrator ( which is you ) if it’s nothing to do with you
If it was my end then I’d not be able to post anything , I can post replies / pictures ( at your discretion) but not emoji, it’s you blocking them . It’s not a guess , it’s right in front of me , if the problem persists contact the board administrator , or are you going to claim the board administrator is nothing to do with you
Anyway I’ve had enough of these childish games , it’s not the bloody board members who need sorting it’s the bloody moderators

Slow down Dozy! If Dave says they’re not blocked, they’re not blocked. I can’t think of a reason why we’d ever block your emojis :wink: .

Now then: you could still be able to upload stuff but something might still be stopping you from using emojis on your machine. I had something very similar with one of the threads. I could do anything I wanted elsewhere on TruckNet but one thread wouldn’t work for me. I turned my laptop completely off (not just shut down), unplugged. Waited. Then I started her up again and the problem was cleared.

I had a similar problem on another occasion and I cleared all the old browsing stuff from my i-phone and that cleared it too. So have a play first.

Good luck!



I guess you’ve ( moderators ) have stopped me posting them

Hi dozy,

I’m afraid that your guess is incorrect.

I’ve checked at this end, there is nothing stopping you from posting emojis.

Have you considered what stu675 has said?

What is it that led to your guess?

Because it says if the problem persists contact the board administrator , so why would it say contact the board administrator ( which is you ) if it’s nothing to do with you

dozy… That error message is automatic, it’s built into the forum software.

You already contacted the board administrator by posting your post, then the board administrator and a Moderator answered your question (above.)

If it was my end then I’d not be able to post anything ,

Sorry mate, this is flawed logic and completely untrue. I’ve just re-checked the settings.

I can post replies / pictures ( at your discretion) but not emoji, it’s you blocking them . It’s not a guess , it’s right in front of me , if the problem persists contact the board administrator , or are you going to claim the board administrator is nothing to do with you

This is your flawed logic.

Anyway I’ve had enough of these childish games , it’s not the bloody board members who need sorting it’s the bloody moderators

I don’t think there are any childish games going on, even at your end. :smiley:
:bulb: I think that the problem you’re experiencing is something to do with you or the way you operate the device you’re using when you post, so I suggest that you ask the kids for some help.

Please let us know how it goes?

Portion of Humble Pie anybody?
It’s on dozy and it’s coming up anytime soon. :smiley:

I think that the problem you’re experiencing is something to do with you or the way you operate the device you’re using when you post, so I suggest that you ask the kids for some help

:smiley: :laughing: :smiling_imp: