

Dear oh Dear…who cares…it is a soap opera…it is fictional…it is for brainless muppets…Do not think they need to keep records for a TV program.
A van…a truck…get a life eh!

i suppose you are the type to watch football then,now that is when you should get a life,quotes like the beautiful game,the crucial match, its only a game

Nope you are wrong some of the fans are much the same as the ones that watch soap operas in my view.I actually take part in the sport I love!
Have another guess if your not glued to the TV.

So some people choose to watch TV soap’s, big deal. They are not bothering those of you that prefer to spend your time on here telling them they need to get a life.

Get over yourselves and leave the rest of us to get on with whatever floats our boat.

next month it does get more realistic, an agency driver has an accident and puts in a business threatening claim…investigations show he falls over a blue wall. Will he win or be found out for fraudulently claiming. Will be a nail biting plot :question:


Are they 3.5s or perhaps 5 tonners ?

Local training company to me has a van over 3.5 LGV C1 training but it looks like a 3.5

could be but it is a volkswagon transporter with a luton body but the weight could have been plated up

It would have twin wheels on the rear if that was the case ,the ones used where bog standard merc lutons and i may be wrong here but i don’t believe the copper asked for Tachos ,he asked for driving records ,which doesn’t necessarily mean tachos ,

PS i wasn’t watching it ,wor lass had it on :wink:

So some people choose to watch TV soap’s, big deal. They are not bothering those of you that prefer to spend your time on here telling them they need to get a life.

Get over yourselves and leave the rest of us to get on with whatever floats our boat.

I do not have a problem with people that want to watch crap on the TV but when they come on a so called professional forum and start moaning about totally unimportant things it really is quite sad.
I could understand if it was a motoring program getting facts wrong but a soap opera…JEEZ… :unamused:


I watched emmerdale farm the other day :unamused: life must been bad for me :slight_smile:

same here,i only watch it because it passes the time while i am relaxing at home in the evenings

Ok to perv on the ladies on it only good thing about


So some people choose to watch TV soap’s, big deal. They are not bothering those of you that prefer to spend your time on here telling them they need to get a life.

Get over yourselves and leave the rest of us to get on with whatever floats our boat.

I do not have a problem with people that want to watch crap on the TV but when they come on a so called professional forum and start moaning about totally unimportant things it really is quite sad.
I could understand if it was a motoring program getting facts wrong but a soap opera…JEEZ… :unamused:

Tha wonts to tek a chill pill mate ■■■■ it its friday :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:



So some people choose to watch TV soap’s, big deal. They are not bothering those of you that prefer to spend your time on here telling them they need to get a life.

Get over yourselves and leave the rest of us to get on with whatever floats our boat.

I do not have a problem with people that want to watch crap on the TV but when they come on a so called professional forum and start moaning about totally unimportant things it really is quite sad.
I could understand if it was a motoring program getting facts wrong but a soap opera…JEEZ… :unamused:

:unamused: :unamused:




So some people choose to watch TV soap’s, big deal. They are not bothering those of you that prefer to spend your time on here telling them they need to get a life.

Get over yourselves and leave the rest of us to get on with whatever floats our boat.

I do not have a problem with people that want to watch crap on the TV but when they come on a so called professional forum and start moaning about totally unimportant things it really is quite sad.
I could understand if it was a motoring program getting facts wrong but a soap opera…JEEZ… :unamused:

■■■■ me there talking about a ■■■■■■■ Seagull on another post :confused: :confused: :confused:

Seagull…dya mean Cyril…well at least hes real, unlike the puppets in emmerdale…by the way…are the Dingles still there, at least theyre real, or was, or used to be… :laughing:

Seagull…dya mean Cyril…well at least hes real, unlike the puppets in emmerdale…by the way…are the Dingles still there, at least theyre real, or was, or used to be… :laughing:

I thought cyril was a squirrel :question: :question: :question:

I used to watch it to get some fresh air.



So some people choose to watch TV soap’s, big deal. They are not bothering those of you that prefer to spend your time on here telling them they need to get a life.

Get over yourselves and leave the rest of us to get on with whatever floats our boat.

I do not have a problem with people that want to watch crap on the TV but when they come on a so called professional forum and start moaning about totally unimportant things it really is quite sad.
I could understand if it was a motoring program getting facts wrong but a soap opera…JEEZ… :unamused:

Tha wonts to tek a chill pill mate [zb] it its friday :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

i do not care for emmerdale, i either watch it or not, it is fiction i agree, my point is it is supposed to reflect real life, if researchers are doing their job they should do it properly or dont put it in at all



Dear oh Dear…who cares…it is a soap opera…it is fictional…it is for brainless muppets…Do not think they need to keep records for a TV program.
A van…a truck…get a life eh!

i suppose you are the type to watch football then,now that is when you should get a life,quotes like the beautiful game,the crucial match, its only a game

Nope you are wrong some of the fans are much the same as the ones that watch soap operas in my view.I actually take part in the sport I love!
Have another guess if your not glued to the TV.

the point of this post was about people not doing their job properly,if they are going to put something in a programme about transport be it a soap or other,they should get their facts right,i do not care either way for emmerdale i either watch it or i dont,bear in mind it was you who came on a professional drivers site insulting others,if you have nothing constructive to say then stay off the site,simple,and judging by your little rant at other truck drivers[thats assuming you are one]on another debate you must be a cyclist so i say the sooner the government start making cyclists pay road tax and insurance [on their bikes]and making them stick to cycle lanes by law the better it will be