Emergency vehicles and pulling over

Is it only me,but when pull off to the left,and stop to allow emergency vehicles to go past,the vehicle behind allways thinks you have stopped,and never wait long enough,and overtakes you.Even with right indicator,they never wait for you to get going again.

Is it only me,but when pull off to the left,and stop to allow emergency vehicles to go past,the vehicle behind allways thinks you have stopped,and never wait long enough,and overtakes you.Even with right indicator,they never wait for you to get going again.

Ah - you mean the numpty small vehicle driver who tries to take advantage of the situation…

Is it only me,but when pull off to the left,and stop to allow emergency vehicles to go past,the vehicle behind allways thinks you have stopped,and never wait long enough,and overtakes you.Even with right indicator,they never wait for you to get going again.

thank god, i thought that only happened to me!

Just keep pulling out.■■■■ em, they got to learn somehow.

I just pretend I’m a bus driver :smiley: :smiley:

Just keep pulling out - balls to em’. The stupidity of these people knows no bounds!

it once happened to me i’d pulled away and blocked the black golf that was fallowing the ambulance then i realised they was plain clothed coppers! needless to say i gave them an embarrashed wave :blush:

I have got to admit that I ballsed up today.

I had 3 dogs in the boot of my estate, music playing and all of a sudden the car in front of me, shot to the side and dropped an anchor from his boot.

I nearly shot up his chuff, swerved and was very nearly squished my a class one coming the other way. BTW, the truck driver flashed, honked and gave me the beans, nob. :laughing:

Thing was, cos the dogs were blocking my rear view, I hadnt caught sight of the ambulance coming up behind us even with all its lights. I was concentrating on the approaching roundabout and just totally didnt see it. Luckily, when I stopped in the right hand lane at the RB, the ambulance got between me and the car I swerved around.

So yes, i pulled away from that RB feeling like a right ■■■. :unamused: :laughing: