
for a start i hope rikki or lucy keep this on here but as a loyal t/net user and told loads of ppl about this site i have decided to to not ist this site again because my opions dont count as poved by my email tonight which said

m8, seems like i,m not the only one eh. word of caution to you m8, say wot ur thinking,speak your mind. dont go along with the general rule of agreeing with the clan, and you get the old black spot on t/net.

as ive found out. they dont like you speaking your mind and not going along with the SHEEP (as ive called them) for obvious reasons.

never in my life have i met (so to speak) a more honest do nothing wrong seat belt wearing none speeders law abiding people as here on t/net.

and here was i thinking they were truck drivers.

some decent sorts i agree, but without naming names, the majority agree with the word, cos…well its the t/net rule these days, you cannot have an opimion and air it without being blackspotted for being a villain or disruptive element…

i will have to stop these rants one day…

one tnet user that did not fit into ur group

for a start i hope rikki or lucy keep this on here but as a loyal t/net user and told loads of ppl about this site i have decided to to not use this site again because my opions dont count as poved by my email tonight which said

m8, seems like i,m not the only one eh. word of caution to you m8, say wot ur thinking,speak your mind. dont go along with the general rule of agreeing with the clan, and you get the old black spot on t/net.

as ive found out. they dont like you speaking your mind and not going along with the SHEEP (as ive called them) for obvious reasons.

never in my life have i met (so to speak) a more honest do nothing wrong seat belt wearing none speeders law abiding people as here on t/net.

and here was i thinking they were truck drivers.

some decent sorts i agree, but without naming names, the majority agree with the word, cos…well its the t/net rule these days, you cannot have an opimion and air it without being blackspotted for being a villain or disruptive element…

i will have to stop these rants one day…

one tnet user that did not fit into ur group

It’s Feedback, so it’s in the Feedback Forum. Makes sense to me… :confused:

agreed but as i can see lucy u are all a bunch of lairs that have never broken he rules i have so y is it if u dont fit into the click ur not wanted or ur opoins dont count

Yeah, whatever Carlbrum. :wink:

one tnet user that did not fit into ur group

I remembered when I was at School and was invited to a group, I went along and tried it for a while and decided I didn’t fit in!

I just left and let my buddies get on with it! And do you know what I didn’t even attempt to change the rules, because they were happy doing what they were doing well before I joined and did for years after I left.

Even then I was gown up enough to work that one out. :wink:

I just left and let my buddies get on with it! And do you know what I didn’t even attempt to change the rules, because they were happy doing what they were doing well before I joined and did for years after I left.

Very succinctly put TC. Reminds me of the one involving kitchens & heat.

But on the other hand, as far I’m aware, having been a member of TN for quite a while now (a good while longer than the joining date of this new forum), all views are welcome & read with interest.
However, anyone posting a minority view should take on board it is likely that on any internet forum or real life discussion group, they are likely to have many dissenters.

Carlbrum that is just my reaction to reading the above & is not aimed specifically at you or the originator of the email.


Life is tough petal :stuck_out_tongue:

If you dont like what you read in the papers, dont buy the paper again :smiley:

What a self centered attitude on a public forum, eh?

Half of the posts on TN are utter ■■■■■■■■, but there is always someone who might learn something.

You should try reading them sometime :smiley:

i think someone has a sulk cos they couldnt keep their mouth shut in the chat room.